Davy Harwood in Transition (The Immortal Prophecy 2) - Page 64

She threw a leg over the side of her chair and struck a sultry pose. "Why do you think I didn't shower? The sex is going to drive him crazy."

Before she had left, I would've made her shower. I would've lectured her on being good and keeping the peace, even though I knew she wouldn't. I didn't say a word now. Instead, I grabbed a towel and walked into the connected bathroom. Then I turned the shower on and stepped underneath the spray.

I needed a shower. I needed to rid myself of the past because I knew that Emily wasn't the only one with questions. Brown. Pippa. Even Blue. They'd all want to know and I'd have to be the best actress in the world. When I moved back into the room, I was dressed and ready to go. Kates narrowed her eyes. I waited for her to say something, but she didn't. She stood at the door and waited in silence.

"We're ready."


Kates cast a worried look to me when we were in the backseat of another black car. Roane always sent the same car for my transportation. I'd grown accustomed to them by now, but I wasn't used to my childhood mate being the one worried about me. It was usually the other way around.


"Are you okay?" She reached for my hand resting in the middle of the seat between us and hooked her pinkie finger around mine.

I took a deep breath. "I'll be fine."

"You're different."

She should've noticed the night before. I'd been different since I got back, but I kept my mouth shut and shrugged instead. "I just want to be with Roane."

My answer appeased her and she patted my hand. "I'm sure he'll find time to sneak in a quickie. He'll be calling for you by the end of the night."

The war was coming. It was at our doorstep. It might not have rung the bell, but it would. Our time away from it was short lived and Kates had no idea. She was usually the one who knew what was going on. I had been the one in the dark, blinded by my own denial. But this time, everything had changed.

I felt like I was just biding my time. Waiting.

Then we were at the police station and I took a deep breath. Roane said we should head there first since an official investigation had been opened. When I walked in, the clerk hadn't recognized me, but when I told her my name, the pen in her hand dropped. After a moment, she hurried away and I was shown inside. I was stuck in an interrogation room for over an hour. The detective had sat me down at her desk, but too many people were around. They all wanted to hear and some even asked their own questions so she sat me in a private room. Then Kates was brought in too. She took over most of the questions since she was the reason I'd been gone. My acting skills weren't as honed as hers. She was animated and believable while I didn't give a crap.

When everything checked out, that she had called me to help with her mother who had died and then stayed to help with the funeral planning, the detectives let us go. My case was closed, but I knew the detective still had questions. I heard them. She didn't believe me, but why would someone lie about helping out a friend? Or taking care of a funeral? Or that my phone was broken and I didn't think about replacing it. When she ran my name, nothing had come up. Then she ran Kates and a lot came up, but none of it was substantial. The detective had nothing to keep us and I looked fine. So we walked out and I knew I had part one of the subterfuge down. Part two was Emily and she was going to be the hardest one.

When we arrived at the dorm, Kates cast another look at me and bit her lip. "Maybe I should do the talking."

I snorted and then grabbed my bag. "Come on. She'll never believe us. Let me handle it."

When we went inside, the desk clerk had a similar reaction as to the one in the police station. Instead of her pen dropping, her textbook fell to the floor. A few girls were in the lounge and their conversation halted as they stared. I ignored it all. They'd hear the story soon enough. Gossip was good for some things.

And then I felt it. Or I felt him. His power was overwhelming. It came over me in waves and I staggered back from it.


I saw Kates' lips move, but I didn't hear her. I couldn't. His power blanketed everything else. I couldn't smell. I couldn't hear. I couldn't feel. I could barely think. It was a dense fog that formed a cement box around me. And I was alone in it. No one else felt it and no one else was aware of it.

How could they not know?

I shook my head and tried to push some of it away, but it didn't matter. His power was too much and I started to panic. I reached out blindly. My hand hit something. I felt movement beside me, but I couldn't discern what had happened.

My heart rate picked up. It pounded in my ears. It was so loud. I wished I couldn’t hear in that moment, just for a moment. I couldn't handle any of this.

I tried to scream, but nothing came out. And then the power grew. I felt it coming closer. The walls doubled. I fell to my knees and cradled my head. How was I going to do this? I couldn't move past the front desk in my dorm.

A loud thunder blared in my ears. Then another and another. I turned for the door and strained to see through it, but I couldn't see a storm. It wasn't raining.

"Davy!" Kates' cried out. Her voice was so quiet.

I reached out to her and then gasped. I couldn't find her, but then as my heart picked up its pace. More thunder sounded. It was coming closer. It was now one big crackle in the sky. The boom shook me.

'Suppress your power, Davina,' Saren's voice snapped in my head. 'Suppress it now. He can feel you too. He knows there's something coming and he's hungry for your power. Suppress it all! Wrap it up and lock it in a box. Push that box deep inside of you.'

Tags: Tijan The Immortal Prophecy Paranormal
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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