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Perfect Mistake (Privilege 3)

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"Hi, Ana!" Kaitlynn said brightly, forcing Ariana to look at her.

Ariana met her gaze coolly. There was no way she was going to let Kaitlynn become part of her group. No way in hell.

"Well, now that we're all here, let's get going," Lexa said brightly.

She started to weave through the crowd with her bags. Only then did the dozens of people around the fountain snap to and start to move, as if Lexa's position as leader was universally acknowledged. Ariana fell into step with her as they started across campus, and the other girls formed a group around them. Ariana wondered where Palmer was. Her skin tingled pleasantly at the thought of him out there somewhere in the dark, possibly watching her.

And he might not be the only one watching. Ever since Lexa had spilled the beans about the secret societies on the APH campus, Ariana had constantly felt as if she were under some giant microscope, and now that she was going to be living in Privilege House, she felt it more than ever. She was sure that sometime soon, the society would be tapping new members, and Ariana was determined to be one of them--determined to conduct herself in a manner befitting Team Gold's ultra--exclusive society. Unfortunately, she wasn't entirely certain what the society was looking for, but she did know that Lexa Greene was a member.


"So . . . how are you?" Ariana asked Lexa as they walked side by side along the cobblestone path. By this point, news of Palmer and Lexa's breakup had traveled throughout the student body. All around them the campus's old--fashioned street lamps were ablaze, lighting the way toward the hill and Wolcott Hall beyond.

"Fine. I'll be fine," Lexa said gamely. "Everyone breaks up eventually, right?"

It was a line, obviously. She had broken up with the guy she loved less than three hours ago. But Ariana understood the need to keep up appearances. As they passed under one of the flickering lamps, Ariana noticed that beneath her dark bangs, Lexa's pretty, pert face was free of makeup. There was no evidence in her blue eyes that she had been crying, but her smile was slightly strained. Ariana felt a fleeting trace of guilt, having been the immediate cause of the breakup between Lexa and Palmer, but she let it go. Obviously there had been trouble brewing between the two of them for a while. Otherwise Palmer never would have developed feelings for Ariana in the first place. It wasn't entirely her fault that her friend was heartbroken.

"I'm just excited to move in," Lexa added, changing the subject. "You know we get to pick our own rooms, right?"

"Actually, I didn't know that," Ariana said.

"Guys are in Alpha tower, girls are in Bella," Maria explained.

"It's really A--tower and B--tower, but they have nicknames," Soomie explained, rolling her eyes as if the whole thing was just so juvenile. "Alpha for the alpha males, Bella for the supposedly softer gender," she said pointedly.


"So clever," Ariana said facetiously.

"Whatever you do, just don't pick 2B," Brigit cautioned. "Steer clear of that one."

"Why? What's with 2B?" Kaitlynn asked, glancing over her shoulder at Brigit.

"It's cursed," Brigit said with total seriousness.

The other girls laughed. "It's not cursed," Lexa said. "A girl died there back in the nineties and ever since then no one has wanted to live in 2B."

"Died? How?" Ariana asked.

"She killed herself," Maria said flatly. "With a carving knife she stole from the dining hall."

"Apparently she had some . . . issues," Soomie added.

"Ew. Omigod," Kaitlynn said, hand to her chest. "That's so awful! Okay, I am definitely not picking that room."

Ariana wanted to laugh. Kaitlynn grossed out by a little suicide? She'd killed a man, shooting him point--blank with a handgun. A man she supposedly loved. She so wished she could tell her friends about that tidbit from "Lily's" past. But then, Kaitlynn would expose Ariana's secrets, her own . . . indiscretions. And that, she could not have.

"Don't worry. We usually just use it as an extra closet," Lexa told them as they emerged from the circle of lesser dorms and headed up the steep incline toward Wolcott. The building's two towers of dorm rooms flanked a low--lying common area with floor--to--ceiling windows at the center that overlooked the campus on one side and the


Potomac River on the other. Ariana had been dying to see the inside of the exclusive building for days.

"Hey Ana, have you found a roommate yet?" Lexa asked. "Because Lily is solo if you two want to hook up."

"Omigosh, please say you're still solo," Kaitlynn said brightly, rushing forward a few steps to join them. "I would love it if we could room together."

Ariana felt the sudden urge to chew her own arm off. "We get to pick our own roommates, too?" she asked, stalling.

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