Perfect Mistake (Privilege 3) - Page 6

Maria and Soomie laughed as the two groups came together, hugging, jostling, and talking over one another. Brigit made a beeline for Adam, whose tall frame towered over her, and the two of them blushed while they spoke, just like they'd been doing all week. Even Tahira and Allison rushed to join them, focusing their celebration on Tahira's boyfriend, Rob, and the guys, of course. Lexa, however, didn't move. Palmer slowly made his way over to Ariana and Lexa, his hands in his pockets. Ariana wasn't sure if Lexa was making him come to her--which would have been very cool of her--or if she was frozen by her fear and emotion, which would have been decidedly less cool.

"Hey Ana," Palmer said with a small smile. Suddenly Ariana loved


her new name. The way he said it made it the most beautiful word in the English language. "Lexa," he added, glancing at her. "Well, this is . . . awkward," he said with a sheepish smile, trying to lighten the mood.

"It shouldn't be," Lexa said casually, shrugging one shoulder. "We've always been friends, Palmer. There's no reason we can't

still be."

Palmer raised his eyebrows, clearly surprised. "All right, then. Friends it is."

"Good," Lexa said.

"Good," Palmer echoed. He looked at Ariana with a glint in his eye and it was all she could do to keep a pleased blush from rising to her face. "Well, I guess I'll be seeing you ladies around."

"Later," Lexa said.

'"Bye," Ariana added.

Palmer rejoined his friends and Ariana turned to Lexa. "That went well. I'm impressed."

Lexa's hand shot out and gripped Ariana's wrist.

"Bathroom," Lexa said through her teeth. "Now."

As soon as they were through the swinging door next to the cafe, it opened again. Ariana fully expected to see Kaitlynn, horning in where she didn't belong, but instead Brigit came bounding through, all friendly concern.

"What happened?" Brigit asked.

"I can't do this." Lexa backed up against the marble counter of the sinks, pressing her palms against the edge. Tears shone in her eyes and her long, dark bangs got caught in her thick lashes as she attempted


to blink them back. Her nose was rapidly turning red. Apparently the casual thing in the common room had been nothing but a very convincing act. "How am I supposed to live in the same dorm with him?"

Ariana's heart filled with a sour feeling that was part regret, part sympathy, and part annoyance. So Lexa wasn't over Palmer. Not at all. How was Ariana supposed to start dating the guy if the person she had chosen to be her best friend was busy moaning and groaning over him?

"It's gonna be okay, Lex," Brigit said, reaching for her arm.

Focus, Ariana. It isn't about you right now.

Right now it was about Lexa. If she and Lexa ever were going to be best friends, she had to start acting the part.

"It's true," Ariana said, handing Lexa a tissue from the marble counter. "It doesn't seem like it now, but you're going to get through this."

"No. I'm not." Lexa was wide--eyed. A single tear sluiced down her cheek. She wiped it away. "We had all these plans. . . . We were going to spend Christmas in Paris with my parents, spring break volunteering in the Dominican Republic. And what about the Crystal Ball in December? And the spring formal? We were supposed to go together. I had it all planned out."

"So you'll go with someone else," Ariana said decisively. "Someone better."

"Who's better?" Lexa blurted.

Ariana didn't have an answer for that question. For her, there was no one else.


"I mean . . . did he find someone better?" Lexa asked, pacing toward the bathroom stalls. "Is that what this is about? Did he meet someone over the summer?" She glanced at Ariana, and for a split second, Ariana was sure she was going to accuse her of stealing him out from under her peep--toes. "You were hanging out with him that first night. Did he mention anything? hrxyone?"

Tags: Kate Brian Privilege Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024