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Perfect Mistake (Privilege 3)

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Okay. Now they were definitely condoning sabotage. There was no question about it. Ariana stared at Tahira and Allison. She had already crossed Tahira, and the girl not only had a temper, but as daughter of the leader of Dubai, she had connections like no one else on campus--except maybe Brigit. She was definitely not the weakest link. But Allison . . . what did Allison really have going for her? She was pretty, sure. Athletic, definitely. Came from money--but who around here didn't?

Target acquired.

And Ariana knew just what to do. When she had wanted to clear a space in Billings House for Reed Brennan so that she could keep an eye on her 24/7, she had engineered a cheating scandal that had gotten Leanne Shore booted off campus. It had been so easy, Ariana could have done it bli

ndfolded with one hand tied behind her back. So why not do that again? Allison didn't even have to get thrown out of school. She just needed to do something serious enough that Stone and Grave would take notice. Something they would consider unacceptable. Cheating still worked. It was a classic. The society wouldn't want to accept anyone who had been caught cheating and been publicly embarrassed.

Suddenly Ariana felt more confident, relaxed, and happy than she had all night. Obviously Maria and Soomie knew what she was talking about, and obviously they wanted to help her get in to Stone and Grave. They had truly accepted her.


"Thanks, you guys. I really appreciate it," Ariana said meaningfully.

"Anytime," Soomie said, brushing Ariana's arm with her fingers.

"But really, Ana, you don't need our advice," Maria said, draining her cup before she stood. "You clearly have a talent for getting what you want. Getting into APH and Privilege House is no easy feat."

Ariana's heart skipped a beat. There was something in Maria's tone she didn't like. Something knowing.

"Thanks," Ariana said, trying to read Maria's face as she rose from her chair.

"My father always says that you only need three things to succeed in life," Soomie intoned, slinging her black messenger bag over her shoulder. "One, ambition; two, intelligence; and three, a really good lawyer."

Ariana and Maria laughed as they made their way through the doors, headed for the front exit and the hill beyond. It was just paranoia, she was sure. How could Maria possibly know anything about Ariana's real past? As far as anyone here knew, she was Briana Leigh Covington. No one had any reason to question that.




As soon as the end--of--class tone came through the loudspeaker in history that afternoon, Ariana was up and out of her seat, her jaw clenched in annoyance. She had been looking forward to the class, history being one of her favorite subjects, but she hadn't been able to enjoy one second of it. During the entire fifty--five--minute class she had absorbed exactly zero knowledge. The moment Kaitlynn had walked through the door and handed her placement slip to Ms. Ferren, Ariana's shoulder muscles had coiled and her brain had flipped into thought--racing mode.There had been no concentrating, no relaxing, no learning. It was all about Kaitlynn's breath on her neck. Her citrusy perfume choking the air. Her hand brushing Ariana's hair every time she raised her hand to answer a question. By the time the class was over Ariana was in serious need of a massage, a soothing yoga class, and an hour in a warm, lavender--scented bath. Then, perhaps, she would be able to breathe.


"Hey Ana!" Kaitlynn called out in the hallway. "Wait up!"

Ariana kept walking, nearly tripping over some hapless freshman who had dropped his books in the middle of the hall. She turned up the speed as she headed for the stairwell. Not that it mattered. Kaidynn was at her side in no time.

"Aren't you psyched we're in the same class? I took the history test on Monday morning and they're letting me join my classes as my results come in so I don't miss too much," she babbled.

"Why you think I care about any of this is beyond me," Ariana said, her eyes fierce as she glared over her shoulder.

She turned sideways to make more room for the overweight professor coming toward her and scurried down the stairs. Kaitlynn paused for a moment at the top but soon recovered and jogged to catch up.

"Where are you rushing off to?"

"The appropriate question is, 'What am I rushing away from?" Ariana said through her teeth. Her hand gripped the oak railing on the stairs, steadying her steps as her body quaked with anger. Was it too much to ask that Kaitlynn at least not be placed in her classes? Between being her roommate and competing with her for a spot in Stone and Grave, she had to deal with the bitch enough already.

"Very funny," Kaitlynn said drily.

Maybe I should just trip her. Just put out my foot and trip her. With any luck she'll crack her skull on the marble and this will all be over. An accident. It would look like a total freak accident. Maybe I could even give her a push.


Her foot flinched outward as Kaitlynn caught up with her, but she only succeeded in kicking the ankle of a tall, gawky boy in glasses.

"Ow. Watch it."

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