Perfect Mistake (Privilege 3) - Page 25

"Sorry," Ariana said, blushing. She hit the landing and kept moving, feeling hot an annoyed and stupid. Tripped on the stairs. Right. As if that would work. Stupid, Ariana. Stupid, stupid, stupid. She gripped her forearm and squeezed.

"So, have you figured out a sabotage plan yet?" Kaitlynn whispered as Ariana shoved through the heavy doors of the class building.

"I'm working on it," Ariana said, stepping quickly down the stone steps and onto the main green at the center of campus.

"Really? Because I thought I saw you reposing on the patio with your little friends this morning," Kaitlynn replied, keeping a friendly smile on her face for the rest of the world to see. "Didn't look like you were working too hard to me."

"Look, I have a plan. I just have to figure out how I'm going to execute it," Ariana said, pausing under a huge cherry tree. "Give me some time."

Kaitlynn took a deep breath and blew it out through her nose impatiently. "If I give you time it might never get done," she said, holding her notebook to her chest. "So how about a deadline? You've always worked well under deadlines."

Ariana tensed, reminded of how much Kaitlynn knew about her past. She'd known that the Fourth of July was the only day her escape from the Brenda T. could have happened, and how Ariana had made sure everything was in place before then. She knew that Ariana had


found a way to raise a million dollars to pay Kaitlynn off in just a week. The girl knew way too much. Arian's grip on her forearm tightened. Then a pair of girls she recognized from Wolcott walked by and she forced a smile.

"You have ten days. Until the night of the NoBash. If you don't eliminate someone by then, I will," she said, her eyes menacing. She glanced around the circle and spotted Maria, Soomie, Lexa, Landon, and Adam chatting near the fountain. "All we need is one more open spot. I wonder which one of your little buddies it'll be. Let's see. Well, obviously Lexa is in. The queen bee is always in. And she probably wouldn't room with Maria unless she was in as well. Soomie would have to be in, since she's the number one brain around here. She seems pretty scrappy, though. She'd probably put up a fight."

Ariana pressed her lips together. All around her students were chatting and lounging and going over notes. Having normal lives. Just like Ariana was supposed to be doing. But instead, she was faced with this. With this constant pressure and the never--ending threats. This was not the way it was supposed to be.

"Or will it be you?" Kaitlynn added, gazing into Ariana's eyes hungrily, as if she was simply salivating for the chance to kill again. Ariana shuddered. Kaitlynn was even more insane than she'd ever imagined. Was it possible that she wanted Ariana to fail? Wanted an excuse to commit a pointless murder? Didn't she know that murder was no game? That it was only to be used as a last resort?

God, she's crazy, Ariana thought. She deserves to be in the Brenda T. Why, why, why did I get her out?


"Fine," Ariana said through her teeth. "By the night of the NoBash, there will only be four of us in contention. In the meantime, back off my friends," she said firmly.

Kaitlynn's eyebrows rose in surprise--or was it respect?--at the demand. "Right. Whatever you say."

"Hey Ana!" Lexa called out from the other side of the circle. "My dad's taking us out for lunch in Georgetown. You coming?"

Ariana smiled as Kaitlynn's face fell.

"Absolutely!" Ariana replied.

"Good! Let's go!" Lexa said, tilting her head. "He's dying to meet the infamous Briana Leigh Covington."

"Okay!" Ariana replied. She looked at Kaitlynn, feeling suddenly calm, and very superior. "Guess you're not invited. Sorry, Lily."

Ariana brushed by Kaitlynn, pulling her thick auburn hair over her shoulder and away from her neck, attempting to cool her body temperature.

"Oh, Ana?"

Ariana paused. She took a deep breath and turned around to face her nemesis.

"Speaking of invitations, don't forget I'll also be needing an invite to that party," Kaitlynn said. "The sooner the better. There are plans to be made."

Ariana smiled sweetly. She loved a perfect opening. "No worries, Lily. If you're too pathetic to make your own friends, I'll do what I can to help you."

Kaitlynn frowned and Ariana quickly walked off to join Lexa and


the rest of her crew. She made a big show of throwing her arm around Lexa's shoulders as they headed for the pickup/drop--off area on the far side of the dorms, knowing Kaitlynn was watching. There. Let her stew over that for a while.

At least she'd found a way to get rid of that smirk--for the moment.

Tags: Kate Brian Privilege Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024