Perfect Mistake (Privilege 3) - Page 46

Kaitlynn laughed. "For the same reason you latched on to them, A. They're the best. Besides, you're always with them, and I do so cherish our quality time together," she added sarcastically.


Ariana clung to the clothing rail with both hands and leaned forward, stretching out the backs of her arms and holding in a groan.

Control, Ariana. Control. You cannot rip down this clothing bar and impale her with it.

Although the visual was comforting.

Ariana straightened up, sighed, and looked down at her feet. She could get through this. She could. Look how much she had survived already. She rolled her shoulders back and walked over to the doorway between her closet and her room. Narrowing her eyes, she leaned against the doorjamb and looked at the girl whom she'd once called her best friend.

"Well, you made some progress today," she said. "But if I were you, I'd quit hanging out with Tahira and the Shrill Brigade. In case you hadn't noticed, Brigit is not a big fan."

"I've noticed," Kaitlynn said, shoving herself off the bed and crossing to her dresser. She pulled out a short--sleeved black cashmere top with a wide neckline. Then she shimmied out of her shorts and stepped into a flimsy silver skirt. "But a girl has to have a backup plan."

She popped open her sickly sweet perfume and dabbed a bit onto her wrists and behind her ears.

"Besides, Tahira and Allison are probably going to be in Stone and Grave with me," she said, lifting a shoulder. "We're going to be friends anyway."

It didn't escape Ariana's attention that she had been left out of that equation. What Kaitlynn didn't know was that Allison was never going to get into Stone and Grave. Not if she had her way.


"The others are in already, aren't they?" Kaitlynn asked, glancing at Ariana in the mirror. "Every one of them but Brigit."

"I don't know," Ariana said.

"Oh, please." Kaitlynn's eyes danced. "You spend all that time with them and you don't know? Or maybe you just don't want to tell me because you're afraid of what I might do."

Ariana's hand closed around her forearm and squeezed. It was all she could do to keep from backhanding the girl across the cheek. Kaitlynn turned around to face her.

"Let me ask you this ... if one of them had to die, which one would you prefer?" she asked, her eyes dancing merrily. "Soomie, I bet, right? The smarty--pants. It'd make it a lot easier for you to graduate number one in our class," she said, looking Ariana up and down derisively, as if wanting to be valedictorian was somehow lame.

"None of them is going to have to die," Ariana told Kaitlynn firmly. "I have the situation under control."

Kaitlynn smiled slowly. Her eyes took on a predatory gleam that made Ariana's blood run cold. "I do hope so, A. Otherwise things are going to get very messy around here."

As if things weren't already messy, what with the nails and the hair everywhere. But if all went as it should, it would be over by Monday afternoon.

Kaitlynn walked over to her closet, stepped into a pair of black pumps, and grabbed a clutch purse, which she stocked with lip gloss, an atomizer, and some cash.


"Tahira and Rob are setting me up with some guy from GW tonight. How do I look?" she asked.

"Like a poisonous snake," Ariana replied.

"Perfect," Kaitlynn replied.

There was a quick rap on the door and Tahira waltzed right in, wearing a high--necked, sleeveless dress in a horribly bright fuchsia.

"Let's get a move on, beyotch," she said fondly, double air--kissing Kaitlynn. "Don't want to keep the men waiting."

"Heaven forbid," Kaitlynn said with a laugh. Then she turned to Ariana and gave her a pointed smile. "How do I look?" she asked again. She was testing Ariana. Seeing if she would be rude to her in front of someone else. Seeing if Ariana would risk Kaitlynns ire.

"Like a slutty beyotch," Ariana said with a grin, mimicking Tahira's tone. Tahira giggled, clearly taking Ariana's insult as a friendly joke. Kaitlynn's smile faltered, and Ariana cocked a triumphant brow.

After a moment Kaitlynn notched her smile back up to full wattage. "Thanks, A! Have a good night! Hope you don't get to bored sitting here twiddling your thumbs!"

Tags: Kate Brian Privilege Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024