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Perfect Mistake (Privilege 3)

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Palmer's breath on her bare shoulder sent a pleasant shot of warmth down her spine, totally incongruous with the cold fear that permeated every other inch of her.

"Hey," she replied, standing up straight and trying to smile.

"Apparently I missed some serious drama," Palmer said, taking a sip of his drink, some sort of dark brown liquid. Ariana eyed it with interest. Perhaps it was time for her to get silly drunk. To just let herself go and let whatever was going to happen, happen. Her brain was starting to hurt from the strain of trying to protect everyone. Of trying to make sense of a senseless psycho.

"Yeah. Lily saved the day," Ariana said airily. "No wonder you can't seem to stop flirting with her."

Palmer looked down at his feet, chagrined. "Not by choice."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ariana asked, tearing her gaze from Kaitlynn for just a moment.

"She's always coming up to me," he said, finishing his drink and placing the tumbler on the empty tray of a passing waiter. "And yeah, maybe I don't spend too much effort fighting her off, but there's a chance that I'm just hoping to make you jealous."

Ariana's eyebrows arched. "Really?"

"Is it working?" Palmer asked with a grin.


Ariana took in a breath, let it go, and sank against Palmer's strong chest. She was done. Exhausted. Sick of keeping up appearances on top of everything else. At the moment, for just one moment, she really just needed a hug. The feeling of a pair of strong, reassuring arms holding her. Letting her know that everything was going to work out in the end.

"Whoa," Palmer said, circling his arms around her. She closed her eyes and cuddled into his warmth. "What's this? What about flying under the radar?"

"Lexa's happy with Connie," Ariana replied. "I don't see why I don't get to be happy too."

"Finally got through to you, huh?" Palmer joked, brushing a stray lock of hair back from her face, tickling her cheek.

"I guess you did," she replied.

"No worries," Palmer said. "Lexa's not around anyway. I haven't seen her since before the big near--death scene, actually."

Ariana's heart careened to a screeching stop. Her eyes popped open. Lexa was missing? Missing before Tahira was saved by the one person who wanted to create a hole in the secret society?

"I bet she and Conrad are off hooking up in one of the upstairs rooms," Palmer whispered, moving his hands up to cup her cheeks. "In fact, maybe we could go find a room of our own."

Ariana took a step back. Her knees trembled beneath her. "Lexa's missing?"

A look of confusion crossed Palmer's face. "I didn't say missing."

"No, but..." Ariana brought her hand to her forehead, trying to


ease her suddenly racing thoughts. "You haven't seen her. Has anyone seen her? Where's Conrad?"

"I don't know," Palmer said, reaching for her hand. "I'm sure they're around here somewhere. Now why don't we--"

"No." Ariana wrenched her arm free. "I have to go."

"Now?" Palmer was no longer confused. He was pissed. But Ariana couldn't deal with that now. Kaitlynn had done something to Lexa. She could feel it in her bones.

"Yes, now. I have to find Lexa," Ariana told him.

"What is it with you and her?" Palmer blurted, backing up a step. "It's like you're in love with her."

"Palmer! I don't have time to stroke your ego right now," Ariana said. "I have to go."

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