Beautiful Disaster (Privilege 2) - Page 67

Tahira was wending her way closer as she schmoozed, her security detail making sure the masses gave her a wide berth.

"I wonder what it's like to have bodyguards," Ariana said.

"I bet it sucks," Lexa replied. "Imagine having no control over your own life?"

Yeah. I kind of know what that's like, Ariana thought, checking her watch. Her heart skipped a surprised beat. It was already eight-thirty. Time flew when a thousand crazed girls were screaming in one's face.


Kaitlynn would be in the alley outside in exactly an hour and a half. Ariana's stomach clenched and her palms started to sweat. She knew that the money at her feet wasn't nearly enough to pay Kaitlynn off. If she was going to succeed, she was going to have to get into the bank room. This was where Brigit's guard was going to come in handy. The risk was insanely high. And if she was caught. . .

In, one. . . two . . . three...

Out, one. . . two. . . three. . .

Ariana breathed in and out through her nose, clutching her forearm under the table. No. She was not going to get caught. This was her one and only chance to hold on to her new life. She had to think positively.

"Blue and gray are so going down," Lexa sang as she continued stamping hands.

Ariana simply smiled and tried to ignore the knot of guilt lodged in her stomach. What if gold lost because of her? What if she got caught? She'd be blackballed from the secret society for sure. But then again, she'd be expelled--or arrested--before that had a chance to happen. She could lose everything as a result of this scheme--her home, her friends, her education, her future. But if she didn't steal the money, it wouldn't matter whether or not she got expelled, because it would all be over anyway.

In a way, Ariana had both nothing, and everything, to lose.

If we don't take this event, we can still win the crew race and get into Privilege House, Ariana reasoned with herself. We only have to win two out of three events. And they won't find out what I've done. They won't. I've been so careful. . . .


Of course, the next step was going to be messy, but there was nothing she could do about that now. It was her only hope. Ariana glanced back at the bank room, keeping an eye on Brigit s position, then scanned the room to make sure she knew where Tahira was as well. She checked her watch again, took in some cash, stamped a few hands. Another hour or so and it would be on to plan B. She just hoped that no one would be hurt. Unless, of course, they absolutely had to be.



Ariana checked her watch. It was a quarter to ten. Go time. She glanced at Lexa, felt a squeeze of guilt over what she was about to do, and let it pass. Above all, she had to stay at Atherton-Pryce Hall. This was the only way."I so have to pee," Ariana announced, bouncing her legs up and down under the table for effect.

"Don't leave me," Lexa said with a laugh, clutching Ariana's arm. "I can't do this alone."

"Okay. I'll wait for Brigit to get back," Ariana replied, trying to sound reluctant. In truth, she was not planning on going anywhere until after Brigit returned from her latest trip with Adam to the cash box--a run that Lexa had suggested they continue to make together. Not until after plan B was in full effect. "Oh, hey. There's Tahira," Ariana said, lifting her head as the Dubai princess passed within a few yards of their table. "Let's see how we're doing." Ariana stood up and


shouted over the heads of the thronging girls. "Tahira! Come here a sec!" she shouted, waving her hand.

Tahira looked over with a smile that fell away the moment she saw that it was Ariana who was summoning her. She said something to one of her bodyguards and all three of them moved toward the table, parting the crowd like the Red Sea. As they arrived Ariana glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw Brigit returning. She bit back a triumphant smile. This was going to work. It had to.

"Hey, Lexa," she said in a normal tone of voice. Then she lifted one eyebrow at Ariana and, in a derisive tone added, "Love."

It was interesting that Tahira didn't seem to mind talking down to Lexa's friends right in front of her--and how Lexa didn't often feel the need to defend those friends. It was almost as if they had some kind of unspoken agreement allowing such behavior. Yet another mystery Ariana would have to get to the bottom of, if she managed to pull this plan off and remain at APH.

"What is it?" Tahira asked, crossing her arms over her chest. She and her bodyguards formed a complete wall between the table and the paying customers, causing a pause in the commerce for the moment. "I have guests to attend to."

"I know. I won't keep you long," Ariana said, all sugary sweetness. "We just wanted to get the update. How are we doing?"

Tahira leaned toward the table as Brigit and Adam arrived, her smile totally self-satisfied. "Well, we have already taken in well over a million dollars," she said in a whisper-shout. "That's more money than gold has ever raised in the past, and we're only halfway through the night."


"Whoa. Are you serious?" Adam said, as if it had never occurred to him that they could raise that much.

Tags: Kate Brian Privilege Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024