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Sweet Deceit (Privilege 4)

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“Cuz it’s fun,” Lexa said with a half-shrug as the barista delivered their order.

“Ha ha,” Ariana said to Lexa. “And thanks,” she added, picking up her coffee and scone.

“Yeah, thanks, Lex,” Soomie added.

Just then, Ariana caught a glimpse of Kaitlynn at the back of the line. Her face was buried in a book for English class and she was trying to look like she was oblivious to Ariana and the other girls, but Ariana knew better. Kaitlynn was wishing she was part of the conversation, and probably trying very hard not to horn in on it. Her usual style was to force herself on Lexa and the others every chance she got, but Ariana had a feeling that the whole Stone and Grave thing had Kaitlynn so freaked that she was rethinking her every move.

“Hey, Lily! Come join us!” Ariana shouted.

Kaitlynn looked up from her book as if startled. “Oh, I . . . I don’t want to cut the line,” she said.

“Sure you do,” Lexa replied with a smile. “What do you want?”

Kaitlynn shrugged an apology at the waiting line of customers, but no one said a word. No one at APH ever contradicted Lexa Greene. “I’ll just have a hot chocolate,” Kaitlynn said.

Lexa ordered for her as Kaitlynn stood next to Ariana at the counter to wait. “So. What are you guys talking about?” she asked, tucking her book into her bag.

“Halloween costumes,” Maria replied, sipping her espresso. “Ana can’t decide what to be.”

“I just hate pretending to be someone I’m not,” Ariana said, shooting Kaitlynn a mischievous glance.

Kaitlynn hid a grin behind her hand.

“I have no idea what I’m going to be either,” Kaitlynn said, taking her hot chocolate from the barista. Together the five girls turned toward the room and started the search for a big enough table to hold them.

“Why don’t we do something together?” Ariana suggested.

“Really?” Kaitlynn asked.

“Sure. Why not?” Ariana replied, taking a sip of her coffee as she followed Lexa toward a table near the window. “It could be fun.”

“You do realize that if we do a pairs costume you’ll be stuck to my side all night,” Kaitlynn said, lowering herself into a chair.

“I’m sure she can handle it,” Maria said. “This is going to be fun! What’s a good costume for Ana and Lily?”

“Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum?” Soomie suggested, her eyes innocently wide.

Ariana laughed, pleased that Soomie was actually making a joke, even if it was at her expense.

Lexa grinned. “I know! Dumb and Dumber!”

“You guys are hilarious,” Ariana said acerbically, tearing a corner off her scone. “I was thinking more like Jane and Lizzie Bennet.”

Kaitlynn gasped in excitement “Or the Boleyn girls!”

“But I want to be the one who doesn’t get beheaded,” Ariana replied.

“We’ll see,” Kaitlynn joked darkly, settling back in her chair and looking relaxed and happy. Still with the thinly veiled threats. But then, Ariana realized, she had set herself up for that one.

“This is going to be good,” Ariana said with a smile.

“Definitely,” Kaitlynn replied. “I’m so glad you decided not to cancel your party, Soomie. Suddenly I can’t wait for Halloween.”


“I must say, if this is what they call Hell Week, I’m unimpressed,” Jasper said, reaching for a tortilla chip and dipping it into the salsa jar in the center of his dorm room floor.

“Why? Because they haven’t made us do anything since Tuesday?” Ariana asked, flipping through her handbook. It contained basic information on her fellow pledges and on Conrad and April, the only two members who’d officially revealed themselves. It also covered the significance of various literary figures throughout history—like Lear and Miss Temple. Ariana had had it memorized since Wednesday morning, but tonight she’d finally taken Jasper up on his offer to study together. She wanted someone else to quiz her to make sure she hadn’t missed anything.

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