Sweet Deceit (Privilege 4) - Page 32

But for now, this was enough. Because for the moment, Ariana felt more in control of the situation than ever. Which was just the way she liked it.


“So, Landon’s at the library cramming for some English exam with his study group,” Palmer said, squeezing Ariana’s hand as they walked through the hushed lobby of Privilege House after their date. Ariana could hear a few of the cardio machines humming in the gym and the TV playing at a low volume in the lounge, but otherwise the place was quiet. “Want to come up?”

Ariana felt his invitation in every inch of her body. There was nothing she wanted more than to come up. But ever-so-suddenly her skin stopped tingling. Because she immediately thought of the camera she’d put in her purse before the date and started to wonder whether she could position it in such a way that it could record what was happening between them. Started pondering how she could hide it from Palmer and get the best angle. Realized that by tonight, her Stone and Grave task could be complete—if only she was willing to sully the perfect evening she and Palmer had spent together.

And then she started to feel nauseated.

“Ana?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.

“Actually, I don’t think that’s the best idea,” she said.

The boys’ elevator pinged and a couple of sophomore guys walked out, gabbing about their high scores on some video game. Palmer automatically dropped Ariana’s hand, but the guys didn’t even seem to notice them there. She expected him to reach for her fingers again once they were gone, but he only stepped further away.

“Not the best idea, huh?” he asked, shoving his hands into the pockets of his wool coat. “Did I do something? Or is this about Lexa again?”

Ariana swallowed a lump that had formed in her throat.

“No. It’s not about Lexa, I swear,” she said, stepping toward him. “Honestly, I just . . . I think I probably shouldn’t have had that ice cream on top of the stew.”

Palmer’s handsome face instantly creased with concern. He reached up and touched her cheek, tucking a stray lock of auburn hair behind her ear. “I’m sorry. You don’t feel well? You should have said something.”

“And make my new boyfriend aware of my weak stomach?” Ariana joked, tears stinging her eyes over the ruined romance of the night. Two seconds ago Palmer had been thinking about kissing her. Now he was probably thinking about watching her throw up. “Not likely.”

Palmer gave her a small smile. “Do you want me to walk you back to your room?”

“No, thanks. I’ll be okay,” Ariana said.

“Okay. Well, text me if you need anything.”

He reached over and hit the up button on the girls’ elevator, then leaned down and kissed her forehead. Great. Thanks to the specter of her stupid Stone and Grave task hanging over her head, she wasn’t even going to get a proper kiss good night. A perfectly romantic first date had just been ruined by some Stone and Graver’s idea of a joke. When one day she found out who actually did write the tasks, she was going to smack that person upside the head.

The elevator pinged and the doors slipped open. Ariana stepped inside and gave Palmer an awkward wave. The second the doors closed again, she rested her forehead against the cold metal surface in front of her and groaned in frustration.

How was she ever going to complete the task of catching Palmer in a compromising position? She cared about the guy. Not only that, she didn’t want to cheapen their new relationship by recording their time alone together. It made the very idea of kissing him, of being with him, feel sleazy. What kind of task was this? Ariana wished she could find out what directives the other taps had been saddled with. Were all the tasks this awful? This personal?

She shoved open the door to her dorm room and Kaitlynn instantly popped up from her bed, dropped the book she was reading, and plucked out her ear buds. She was wearing pink striped pajama pants with a matching cropped tank top and had her short hair pushed back from her face with a white headband.

“You went out on a date with Palmer Liriano!” she hissed, shoving an accusing finger toward Ariana’s face. “I knew it! I knew something was going on with you two!”

Ariana’s heart sank as she shrugged off her coat. “What’d you do? Follow me?”

“Only to the door. I saw him pick you up and you both looked very giddy,” Kaitlynn said, crossing her arms over her chest. “Was that his car, by the way? Because . . . suh-weet!” she sang.

Ariana rolled her eyes. Yes, the Audi convertible Palmer kept in the garage on campus was rather lush, but it was pretty much the last thing on her mind at the moment.

“Fine. Forget the car. Why didn’t you tell me?” Kaitlynn deman ded.

“I’m trying to keep it a secret,” Ariana replied, turning to hang her coat in her closet. “I don’t want anyone to know yet.”

“You mean you don’t want Lexa to know,” Kaitlynn said, lifting one eyebrow. “Because if your BFF found out you were dating her ex-bf she might try to keep you out of Stone and Grave. Which she could definitely do considering she’s the president.”

Got it in one.

“Is this where you threaten to tell her?” Ariana asked, sinking down onto her bed, suddenly exhausted. “Because I’m kind of exhausted, so if we could save that part for the morning . . .”


Tags: Kate Brian Privilege Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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