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Cruel Love (Privilege 6)

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Adam averted his eyes from Palmer’s, looking at the stone floor. He picked at a fraying thread on the hem of his robe.

“Sister Portia.”

Palmer’s angry exhalation was audible throughout the room. Ariana’s heart soared. Even though Adam had seconded her nomination, she hadn’t been certain that she’d win his vote. He and Palmer went way back, and Palmer was part of the reason Adam, a scholarship student, had bothered applying to Atherton-Pryce at all. Still, Ariana should have known Adam would vote his conscience. He’d always been a brave and honorable guy.

April made a note in her book, and Ariana started to feel like she already had this thing won. Two guys had voted for her. If all the girls stayed on her side and she got one more guy, that was all she’d need.

Landon was next. Seated next to Ariana, he suddenly became unnaturally still.

“Brother Pip?” April said.

“Brother Starbuck,” he said clearly.

It was all Ariana could do to keep from glaring at him. She’d known she’d never win his vote, but for some reason, hearing it out loud felt like a betrayal.

“Sister Portia?” April said.

Ariana held her breath. She knew that voting for Palmer would be the honorable thing to do, especially with everyone listening, but this election might come down to one vote. She had no interest in losing this battle for herself.

“Sister Portia,” she said, her voice firm.

Luckily, no one flinched. April moved on to Tahira, who voted for Ariana, then continued around the circle with the more seasoned members. As Maria had predicted, every single girl voted for Ariana. She kept a running tally on her hands, curling a finger on her right for each of her votes, on her left for each of Palmer’s, then starting over again, trying to keep track of the five-vote increments in her mind. The whole way, they were dead even. Finally, the vote came to Rob Mellon. All day, Ariana had gone back and forth over Rob, wondering whether he would go against Palmer. His girlfriend, Tahira, had been the one to nominate Ariana, after all, but he was also one of Palmer’s best friends.

“Brother Von Hardwigg?” April said.

Rob glanced over at Tahira, then away. “Brother Starbuck.”

Damn, Ariana thought.

Only Maria, Conrad, Palmer, and April were left. That meant that only Conrad coul

d save her. He and Palmer had always been friends. What if Lexa’s death had bonded them, rather than torn them apart? What if their shared grief had solidified their brotherhood?

If it had, Ariana would lose. But she couldn’t lose. The Stone and Grave presidency was huge. It would open up opportunities she could scarcely even imagine. If she could win this, she’d be set for life. She’d never have to worry about anything ever again. Her mouth was dry and clammy as the vote came to Maria.

“Sister Estell—”

“Sister Portia,” Maria interjected, not letting April finish her name.

The note was made. The vote came to Conrad. “Brother Lear?”

Ariana stared at Conrad. He clasped his hands together and rested his chin against them. His elbows wide on his knees, he leaned forward and let out a sigh.

Please say Sister Portia, please say Sister Portia, please say …

“I cast my vote for …” He paused and looked over at Palmer. Palmer gazed back confidently. Slowly, Ariana’s heart sank. The guy code was too strong. Conrad was going to vote for Palmer. “Sister Portia,” he said finally.

Jasper let out a whoop, and a few people laughed, while others twittered nervously. It seemed Ariana wasn’t the only one keeping a running score. And as long as April voted for her, she’d just won Stone and Grave.

“Brother Starbuck?” April asked.

“Brother Starbuck,” Palmer said through his teeth.

April made a note, then lifted her face from the book. “And I, Sister Miss Temple, cast my vote for Sister Portia. Which means … the new president of Stone and Grave is Sister Portia.”

A grin lit Ariana’s face as Tahira reached in for a hug. There was the briefest smattering of applause, but they were quickly cut off.

“You have to be kidding me!” Palmer blurted, standing. “She’s a newbie! She just transferred here, for God’s sake!” he shouted, throwing an arm out in Ariana’s direction. “What the hell is wrong with you people?”

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