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Invitation Only (Private 2)

Page 16

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“Scott? It's Reed. Did I wake you up?”


“No! No! I don't have a class for an­oth­er three hours, but hey, I'm wide awake,” he said.

I smirked. A group of girls was watch­ing me from a few feet away so I stared back at them un­til they were shamed in­to look­ing away.

“How's ev­ery­thing there?” I asked.

“Fine. How's ev­ery­thing at Eat Me Acade­my?” he asked.

“Ha ha. So glad I got all the in­tel­li­gence in the fam­ily.”

“At least I got the stun­ning good looks,” he said. “So what's wrong?”

“Some­thing has to be wrong? ”

“In this fam­ily, yes,” he said.

I blew out a sigh. “It's got­ten re­al­ly weird around here,” I told him. “This . . . well, this guy has gone miss­ing and the cops are all over the place now. They're gonna in­ter­view ev­ery­one.”

“Miss­ing? Like kid­napped or some­thing?” Scott asked.

“I don't know,” I said, swal­low­ing hard.

“Do you know this guy?” he asked.

“Kind of.” Like in the bib­li­cal sense. “He's a friend.”

“Wow. That sucks. But I'm sure he'll show up,” he said. “I bet peo­ple dis­ap­pear from that place all the time, then turn up on ex­ot­ic cruise ships or some­thing.”

I laughed.

“What? Isn't that what rich peo­ple do? I re­mem­ber Fe­li­cia say­ing some­thing about some dude invit­ing the en­tire se­nior class to his pala­tial es­tate in Turks and Caicos or some­thing.”

Fe­li­cia. Right. My old­er broth­er's old­er and cool­er girl­friend.


How had I for­got­ten that Scott knew some­one who had gone here? She was the whole rea­son I had looked in­to Eas­ton in the first place. She had spent her ju­nior and se­nior years here at Eas­ton be­fore grad­uat­ing and head­ing off to Dart­mouth. Which meant, of course, that she knew ev­ery­thing about this place.

“Hey, speak­ing of Fe­li­cia,” I said, set­tling in, “did she ev­er men­tion any­thing to you about the Lega­cy?”

“The Lega­cy? No. Doesn't sound fa­mil­iar. What is it?”

“Some par­ty, I think. I don't know. Ev­ery­one's talk­ing about it, though.”

“So why don't you ask some­one about it?” Scott asked.

“I don't want to look like a los­er,” I told him. It was a re­lief to ac­tu­al­ly say it. A re­lief to talk to some­one I could be hon­est with.

“Too late,” he joked.

'You're fun­ny," I told him flat­ly.

“What­ev­er. Look, I bet­ter go. I'm an­noy­ing Todd,” he said. I imag­ined my broth­er's room­mate groan­ing and pulling a pil­low over his head. “But lis­ten, you should call Dad lat­er.”

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