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Invitation Only (Private 2)

Page 19

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Lon­don and Vi­en­na, or “the Twin Cities,” as the rest of Billings called them, were two very bux­om, very big-?haired so­cialites who had ap­par­ent­ly been friends for­ev­er. They had sum­moned me to their room the mo­ment I had got­ten back from din­ner be­cause they need­ed some help “feng shui-?ing,” as Lon­don had put it, which ac­tu­al­ly meant they want­ed me to or­ga­nize their shoes by col­or, then by heel height. At the mo­ment, I was on the floor, do­ing ex­act­ly that.

“At least do­nate it or some­thing,” Vi­en­na sug­gest­ed.

Lon­don, who was ad­mir­ing her dou­ble-?D's in the mir­ror, turned to look at me.


“Sor­ry,” she said, pluck­ing the sweater out of the can. “Did you want this?”

Her brown eyes were com­plete­ly in­no­cent. She blinked, wait­ing for my ex­cit­ed re­ply.

“Uh, no thanks,” I said flat­ly.

“Not to her! To the needy!” Vi­en­na said, rolling her eyes as she picked up her nail file and walked over. “Don't mind her, Glass- lick­er,” she told me, pulling the sweater out of Lon­don's fin­gers. “The skin­nier she gets, the dumb­er she gets.”

I smirked.

“Omigosh! You're just jeal­ous!” Lon­don said, swip­ing at Vi­en­na.

They both set­tled back on their beds again to con­tin­ue their primp­ing rit­uals. I yanked an­oth­er pair of red shoes out of the back of the clos­et and lined them up with all the oth­er red shoes, com­par­ing heel heights. I was al­most done. Then I could fi­nal­ly, fi­nal­ly get back to my room and show­er.

“I saw Walt Whit­tak­er on cam­pus to­day,” Lon­don said ca­su­al­ly.

In­stant­ly, all the hair on the back of my neck stood on end. Some­how I had man­aged to avoid Whit all day. Ev­ery time he saw me he blushed and looked away. Ap­par­ent­ly he was just as em­bar­rassed by our en­counter as I was. He'd spent most of our meal­times chat­ting with pro­fes­sors over at their ta­bles, some­thing I'd nev­er seen a sin­gle stu­dent do be­fore, and out­side the caf I hadn't seen him at all. But did the Twin Cities know that we had hooked up?

'V, I am so go­ing to make him mine."

Ap­par­ent­ly not.


Vi­en­na snort­ed a laugh. “Please. Ev­ery oth­er girl on this cam­pus is gonna be af­ter Whit­tak­er in the next cou­ple of weeks.”

Wha-?huh? Why?

“So? You don't think I can get him?” Lon­don asked in­cred­ulous­ly.

'You've got as good a shot as any­one else,“ Vi­en­na replied. ”But no one knows what goes on in­side that thick head. Per­son­al­ly, I've al­ways thought he was gay."

I sti­fled a laugh and shoved the last pair of red shoes in­to place. If he was gay it would cer­tain­ly ac­count for his lack of skills in the feel­ing-?up de­part­ment.

“Just be­cause he's gay doesn't mean I can't use him,” Lon­don said.

Then they both laughed. I pushed my­self up and slapped my hands on my apron. Part of me was dy­ing to know what Lon­don want­ed to use Whit for. Mon­ey? Doubt­ful. Ev­ery­one around here had more than they knew what to do with. But an even big­ger part of me was dy­ing to get the hell out of there. Plus I had a feel­ing they wouldn't tell me any­way.

“All done,” I said.

“You're ex­cused,” Lon­don said dis­mis­sive­ly.

I shot her a look of death that she didn't even no­tice, then turned and walked out. I prac­ti­cal­ly ran down the dim­ly lit hall to my room, blow­ing by all the black-?and-?white framed pho­tos of Billings “Through the Ages.” At some point I had ap­pre­ci­at­ed the beau­ti­ful touch­es of Billings, the gleam­ing wood­work, the thick


car­pet­ing, the bronze wall sconces, the French win­dows at ei­ther end of each hall­way. But now all I saw was more stuff to clean, more to scrub, more to wax. I couldn't get back to my room and away from it all fast enough. My hand was on the door­knob when I heard some­one en­ter the hall be­hind me.

“Miss Bren­nan.”

I stopped and closed my eyes. So close.

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