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Invitation Only (Private 2)

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Con­stance scoffed. “Omigod, if Walt Whit­tak­er showed any in­ter­est in me at all, I would dump Clint like that.” She added a fin­ger snap to show just how quick­ly.

“Wow. I had no idea,” I said, slid­ing down in my seat again.

I could hard­ly be­lieve that a guy like Whit could in­spire such


ar­dor in a girl, but it just went to show there was some­one for ev­ery­one. And it turned out that Con­stance's some­one just hap­pened to be the same some­one who had stuck his tongue down my throat just a cou­ple of nights ago.

“Oh, no one does. I keep it com­plete­ly on the DL,” Con­stance said, then gasped. “Don't tell any­one, okay?”

“Don't wor­ry, I won't.”

Just like I won't be telling you about a cer­tain il­lic­it en­counter with a cer­tain some­one in the woods Sun­day night.

Just what I need­ed. More se­crets from more peo­ple. Pret­ty soon it was go­ing to get tough keep­ing them all straight.



An­oth­er night passed. Then an­oth­er. There was no word of Thomas. Ev­ery hour of ev­ery day was oc­cu­pied with ei­ther chores, class, or avoid­ing Natasha, which wasn't easy, con­sid­er­ing we shared a room. I hadn't searched Noelle's room or any­one else's. Hadn't so much as opened a draw­er. The longer Natasha went with­out men­tion­ing it, the more I hoped she might just for­get about it.

A girl could dream.

Still, all the work and wor­ry and stealth ma­neu­ver­ing to avoid her took their toll. I couldn't sleep, could hard­ly eat, and was still wait­ing for the po­lice to come talk to me. By the end of the week, I felt like a shad­ow of my for­mer self.

On Fri­day at lunch I placed my over­load­ed tray at the end of the Billings ta­ble and hand­ed out the food I had been told to pro­cure. Then I dropped down in­to one of two emp­ty seats and pulled out my trig text with a sigh. I had a quiz that af­ter­noon. I couldn't even re­mem­ber what chap­ter it was sup­posed to cov­er.


List­less­ly, I flipped through the pages, notic­ing my raw, ir­ri­tat­ed fin­ger­tips, red from clean­ing prod­ucts and chapped from too much wash­ing. My knuck­les were cracked as well and there were lit­tle nicks and cuts all over my hands. I was tru­ly be­com­ing a hard la­bor­er.

A shad­ow fell over my book just as I de­cid­ed on a chap­ter to read through. Or more like­ly, one sen­tence to read through over and over and over again with­out ab­sorb­ing a thing. Some­one cleared his throat. Fi­nal­ly I looked up.

Whit hov­ered over me, his hands be­hind his back, a mis­chievous smile on his face. He wore a green sweater with a tiny hound's-?tooth pat­tern that on him looked like way too many hound's teeth.

“Hel­lo, Reed,” he said, near gid­dy.


I looked around at the oth­ers. A few of them watched with in­ter­est. Lon­don, who sat at the next ta­ble just be­hind Noelle, seemed es­pe­cial­ly in­trigued. She ac­tu­al­ly stopped groom­ing and turned around.

“What's up?” I said.

“I have some­thing for you,” Whit told me. “Noth­ing big. Don't wor­ry. I just... I saw them and I thought of you.”

Big gulp.

“Them?” I said.

Whit­tak­er pro­duced a small box from be­hind his back. It was gray and shiny and had gold let­ter­ing. I stared at it.


What­ev­er was in that box, I had a feel­ing it was not “just friends” ap­pro­pri­ate. In fact, no ran­dom gift on a ran­dom day would be “just friends” ap­pro­pri­ate. This was not good.

I glanced around. A few peo­ple at ad­ja­cent ta­bles were start­ing to take no­tice. Lon­don glared at me with ob­vi­ous en­vy and Vi­en­na looked, in a word, stunned. I glimpsed Con­stance just en­ter­ing the lunch line at the back of the room. Ap­par­ent­ly she hadn't seen.

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