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Invitation Only (Private 2)

Page 31

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I could have hit her. I could have smacked her right then and there. And I might have, if sev­er­al teach­ers and po­lice of­fi­cers hadn't been milling around the quad at that very mo­ment.

“You don't owe them any­thing, Reed,” Natasha said. “Do what's right. Or you know what I'm go­ing to have to do.”

She turned and strolled off, care­free, as if we'd been dis­cussing the weath­er. When I turned around, I was face-?to-?face with Josh. My hand flew to my chest. I re­al­ly didn't think I could take much more of this.

“Sor­ry,” he said, ad­just­ing the strap on his back­pack. “I scared you.”

“It's fine,” I said, push­ing past him. I didn't have any room for more of his jabs.

“Reed! Can I just apol­ogize?” he asked.

I stopped and blew out a breath. Then I turned to face him.

“What the hell was that?” I de­mand­ed.

He looked al­most des­per­ate as he stepped to­ward me. “I don't know. I'm sor­ry. It just came out.”


“Well, Noelle was right. It's re­al­ly none of your busi­ness what I do,” I told him.

“Reed, come on. Don't say that,” he said.

“Why not?” I asked.

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“Be­cause. I was hop­ing we could be ... I don't know . . . friends,” he said, lift­ing his shoul­ders. 'You're one of the on­ly nor­mal peo­ple at this school and I... I like you."

It was such a sim­ple, sweet state­ment that I felt my ten­sion start to ebb. 'You do?"

Josh smiled. He had a per­fect, boy­ish smile. “Yeah. I do.”

“Then why did you say that?” I asked him. “It kind of stung, you know.”

“I know. I'm sor­ry. I can be judg­men­tal some­times. It's a flaw,” he said. “I will work on it, though. If you'll for­give me.”

Some­how, I found my­self grin­ning. “Okay, fine. You're for­giv­en.”

“Re­al­ly? Thank you. I re­al­ly am sor­ry--”

I held up a hand. “Let's just not talk about it any­more, okay?”

“Fair enough. Well, bet­ter get to class.”

Right. Class. Some­how that sup­pos­ed­ly im­por­tant as­pect of be­ing here at Eas­ton had dropped fair­ly low on my pri­or­ity list.

“See you lat­er?” he asked.

“Def­inite­ly,” I replied.

Then I turned and walked off smil­ing to­ward my class build­ing. Un­be­liev­able. In two sec­onds Josh Hol­lis had ac­tu­al­ly al­most made me for­get en­tire­ly about Natasha's threats.




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