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Invitation Only (Private 2)

Page 33

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Just then Mr. Cran­dle walked in, the oth­er teach­er trail­ing be­hind him. I hadn't seen this guy around be­fore and as whis­pers start­ed to run ram­pant around the room, my heart start­ed to pound with fear.

This was no teach­er.

“Miss Bren­nan, this is De­tec­tive Hauer,” Mr. Cran­dle said. “He'd like to speak to you. Please gath­er your things and go with him.”

Ev­ery­one turned to gape at me as if we hadn't all known this was com­ing. My hands trem­bled as I reached for my books. I glanced at De­tec­tive Hauer, a short, stocky man in a wrin­kled shirt and cot­ton tie who stood at the front of the room with his hands be­hind his back, his ra­zor-?sharp brown eyes watch­ing my ev­ery move.

Guilty. That was how I felt un­der his gaze. Guilty. But of what? Of find­ing a note from my ex-?boyfriend? Smack on the shack­les and take me to the guil­lo­tine.

I man­aged to rise out of my seat with­out my knees knock­ing to­geth­er too much and joined the de­tec­tive.

“Hel­lo, Reed,” he said. His voice was so deep it made my bones rum­ble.


I even sound­ed guilty.

He raised a hand to ush­er me out of the room ahead of him.

“You can make up the quiz to­mor­row, Miss Bren­nan,” Mr. Cran­dle said help­ful­ly as I reached the door.

Right. Be­cause that was what I was re­al­ly con­cerned about.


* * *

Just tell them.

No, don't. Thomas will be so mad.

So what? You're al­ready mad at him. Be­sides, it's the law. Can they ar­rest me for not telling?

Don't do it. His par­ents will be on him like peanut but­ter on jel­ly. It's a be­tray­al.

But didn't he be­tray me by break­ing up with me in a note?

Just do it.


Come on.


No, no, no.

“You know, there's noth­ing to be ner­vous about, Reed,” De­tec­tive Hauer said.

I stopped chew­ing on the end of the hood string on my sweat­shirt and sat up. “I'm not ner­vous.”

Yeah. That was very con­vinc­ing. The high oc­tave and the spit­tle were es­pe­cial­ly com­pelling.


“Would you like some­thing to drink?” he asked.

“No, thanks. I'm fine.”

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