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Invitation Only (Private 2)

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“About what?”

“He told me that he'd told his par­ents about me, but I found out that he hadn't,” I said. Not a to­tal fab­ri­ca­tion. I had found that out as well, just days lat­er. “So I was an­gry. We broke up.”

“You did?” the de­tec­tive said, rais­ing his eye­brows.

'Yes. But then we got back to­geth­er,“ I said. 'You know how it is.”

I gig­gled. The de­tec­tive rubbed his tem­ples and blew out a sigh. I sound­ed flighty. Flighty and stupid and ner­vous.

“When did you get back to­geth­er?” the de­tec­tive asked fi­nal­ly, mak­ing a note on his pa­per.

“Fri­day morn­ing,” I said defini­tive­ly.

Con­fi­dence, Reed. This wasn't so bad. I could an­swer their ques­tions. I had noth­ing to hide.

“Fri­day morn­ing?”

They seemed very in­trigued by this fact.


“So the morn­ing of the day that Thomas dis­ap­peared,” the de­tec­tive said.

I cleared my throat. Why did I clear my throat? “Sor­ry,” I said, cough­ing. “Yes.”

“When did you last see Mr. Pear­son?” the de­tec­tive asked.

“Then. I mean, that morn­ing. In my--”

No. Can't say that. Can't have boys in the dorm room, stupid. Say that and you get thrown out of school be­fore you can say, “Natasha Cren­shaw.” Ms. Nay­lor's eyes gouged cav­erns in the back of my skull.

“That is, be­hind my dorm. Brad­well,” I told them. "Be­fore


break­fast. But I don't live there any­more. In Brad­well, I mean. I live in Billings now. In case you need to know for your... what­ev­er."

Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up!

“And you didn't see him for the rest of the day,” they said.

I cleared my throat again. Ap­par­ent­ly I was be­com­ing my grand­fa­ther. “No. I tried to call him a few times, but I kept get­ting his voice mail.”

“Miss Bren­nan, has Thomas Pear­son con­tact­ed you in any way since you last saw him?” the de­tec­tive asked.

Well. There it was. He'd fi­nal­ly got­ten to it.

“Miss Bren­nan? Has Thomas Pear­son con­tact­ed you?”

Yes, he has.

No, he hasn't.

Yes. He has.

“No,” I replied.

“You haven't heard from him at all.”

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