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Invitation Only (Private 2)

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“And that's it?” she asked. “I mean, I'm just cu­ri­ous.”

“Well, they al­so asked if I'd heard from him, of course,” I said, want­ing to flinch even now.

“Right. ..,” she said.

“And I told them I haven't,” I said. She glanced at me out of the cor­ner of her eye, like, Yeah, right. “Well, I haven't!” I said. “Why is that so hard for ev­ery­one to be­lieve?”

Are you all psy­chic?


“Prob­ably be­cause if he'd got­ten in touch with any­one, it would have been you,” Ki­ran said flat­ly. “Thomas is no­to­ri­ous for mak­ing his girl­friends the pri­ma­ry re­la­tion­ships in his life. He's a to­tal­ly whipped boy. Like, with any­one and ev­ery­one he de­cides to date.”


Ki­ran tucked her chin and looked at me over the top of her sun­glass­es. “Please. You thought you were the first? What Grey­hound bus did you fall off of?”

Wha--who? Had I met them? Were they here at Eas­ton? Who were they? “No,” I said, and scoffed. “It's just... he didn't have that prob­lem with me, that's all.”

“So you think,” Ki­ran said.

We ar­rived at the li­brary door. Ki­ran paused and took off her sun­glass­es. She looked at me with those stun­ning eyes and I ac­tu­al­ly felt hon­ored that she deigned to train them on me.

“Lis­ten, don't wor­ry about the po­lice,” she said. “At least it's over. You told them ev­ery­thing you know and now you don't have to wor­ry about it any­more.”

I felt com­fort­ed for a split sec­ond, prob­ably be­cause Ki­ran was both­er­ing to try to com­fort me. That ges­ture in and of it­self made me feel bet­ter. Maybe we were ac­tu­al­ly be­com­ing friends. But what she didn't know was that I hadn't told the po­lice ev­ery­thing. Not re­mote­ly.

“I mean, it's not like you did any­thing,” she added.

“Thanks,” I said. “Re­al­ly. Thanks for com­ing to meet me.”


Ki­ran clucked her tongue. “Don't do that. I don't do sap­py.”

I smirked. “Got it.”

Ki­ran slipped her sun­glass­es back on, whipped open the li­brary door, and slipped in­to the com­fort­ing, musty si­lence ahead of me.

“Love the li­brary,” she said sar­cas­ti­cal­ly.

'Yeah," I replied with a scoff.

Per­son­al­ly, I was look­ing for­ward to the next hour of peace and qui­et more than I'd looked for­ward to any­thing else all year.



Af­ter Ki­ran's sur­pris­ing ges­ture, I re­al­ized there was no way I could spy on her and the oth­er girls. No way in hell. These were my friends we were talk­ing about here. Natasha had to un­der­stand that. She just had to.

Af­ter an­oth­er round of chores, I trudged back to my room, de­ter­mined to put an end to the in­san­ity. I paused in front of my dorm-?room door and took a deep breath. I could hear Natasha mov­ing around in­side. This was it. I was just go­ing to have to tell her to for­get it. I'd just have to ap­peal to her con­science. She had to have one in there some­where, or she wouldn't care so much about Leanne--about bring­ing wrong­do­ers to jus­tice. I had to make her see that what she was do­ing to me was just as wrong as what she thought Noelle and her friends had done to Leanne.

It had to work.

'You have to open the door in or­der to go through it, new girl,“ Cheyenne said, startling me as she came around the cor­ner. ”Un­less you've got some su­per­pow­ers you haven't made us all aware of."

I shot her a scathing look and walked in­to my room. Natasha's

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