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Invitation Only (Private 2)

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'You're not wear­ing the ear­rings," he said.

He reached out and touched my bare ear­lobe, press­ing it gen­tly be­tween his thumb and fore­fin­ger. I tilt­ed my head and shrugged away.

This was un­be­liev­able. Couldn't he take a hint? Maybe I should just tell him I had a boyfriend. Ex­cept that I didn't, thanks to Thomas's se­cret breakup note. Not that any­one oth­er than me knew that.

God, I wished Thomas were there right then. So I could throt­tle him.

“No . . . they're a lit­tle much for a soc­cer game, don't you think?” I asked.

“But you haven't worn them since I gave them to you,” he said. “Do you not like them?”

“No. It's not that,” I said. “It's just...”

Out of the cor­ner of my eye I saw Con­stance stand­ing with the rest of the cross-?coun­try team. She was watch­ing me--watch­ing us--very close­ly. Sur­rep­ti­tious­ly, I turned my hand, palm out at my side, and crooked my fin­gers, wav­ing her over.

“It's just, they seem more like spe­cial-?oc­ca­sion ear­rings,” I told him. “They're too nice to wear ev­ery day.”

Con­stance shook her head very slight­ly and shift­ed her feet. I crooked my fin­gers more in­sis­tent­ly.

“But the man at the store said they were ev­ery­day ear­rings,” Whit­tak­er told me. “That was why I pur­chased them. So that you could wear them ev­ery day.”

Some­one be­hind me gig­gled. Damn eaves­drop­pers. I so didn't


like where this con­ver­sa­tion was go­ing, and the last thing I need­ed was for any­one else to over­hear it. I did the on­ly thing I could think to do: I sac­ri­ficed a friend.

“Con­stance!” I said loud­ly, turn­ing my head and widen­ing my eyes. “Hey! I've been look­ing all over for you!”

No one had per­fect­ed the deer-?in-?head­lights thing like Con­stance. She stood there, frozen, with her eyes as wide as din­ner plates. Then her head twitched and she looked at Whit­tak­er and her face en­tire­ly trans­formed. Charm­ing smile, flir­ta­tious­ly tilt­ed head, rosy cheeks.

“Hi, Reed,” she said. “Hel­lo, Walt.”

For a mo­ment, Whit­tak­er seemed of­fend­ed by both the in­ter­rup­tion and the use of his first name. But then his ex­pres­sion cleared and he smiled.

“Con­stance! Con­stance Tal­bot! My par­ents told me you were ma­tric­ulat­ing here this semester! It's so good to see you!”

Con­stance made her way over to us. Whit­tak­er leaned in and gave Con­stance a cheek kiss, and I was al­most cer­tain she was go­ing to pee i

n her pants. The glee on her face could have warmed the en­tire stu­dent body.

“Oh! You two know each oth­er? ” I said, try­ing my best to be the good ac­tress. “How great is that? Two of my fa­vorite peo­ple and they al­ready know each oth­er.”

Whit looked at me quizzi­cal­ly.

“We were room­mates at the be­gin­ning of the year,” I ex­plained. “Con­stance is the best,” I said, wrap­ping my arm around her. She grinned at me, pleased. "Did you know she's


writ­ing for the Gazette? You should tell him all about that front­page ar­ti­cle you're work­ing on."

Con­stance flushed. “No. Please. It's no big deal.” She looked up at him with sheer wor­ship in her eyes. “I'd rather hear about your trip. Was it as amaz­ing as it sound­ed?”

Yes. Go, Con­stance. She'd hit on his fa­vorite top­ic in one shot. This girl was good. Bet­ter than she gave her­self cred­it for.

“Even more so, ac­tu­al­ly,” he said. “Chi­na was ab­so­lute­ly awe- in­spir­ing. When you're stand­ing there, un­der the Great Wall, you re­al­ly un­der­stand for the first time the ca­pac­ity man has for--”

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