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Invitation Only (Private 2)

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Noelle and Ki­ran ex­changed a look. Gage snort­ed a laugh and dropped his chair back down, reach­ing for a roll on his plate.

“That's for us to know and you to most like­ly nev­er find out,” Gage said, en­joy­ing him­self a lit­tle too much.

“Fun­ny,” I replied.

Josh cleared his throat. “He's fair­ly se­ri­ous,” he said, his ex­pres­sion apolo­get­ic.

I felt a blush creep­ing on­to my cheeks. “Come on.”

Dash cleared his throat and leaned on­to the ta­ble to bet­ter see me. I bit the in­side of my cheek to keep from laugh­ing and tried as hard as I could not to see his guy parts su­per­im­posed over his face.

“Reed, the Lega­cy is an ex­clu­sive par­ty,” he said sage­ly. “On­ly pri­vate school lega­cies are in­vit­ed.”

My in­sides turned. I had kind of ex­pect­ed some­one to make me an ex­cep­tion, to tell me they would find a way around the rule. Was it pos­si­ble that Con­stance's the­ory had been com­plete­ly off base?

“Not just lega­cies,” Ki­ran cor­rect­ed. “Mul­ti­ple-?gen­er­ation lega­cies.”

“Oh,” I said, look­ing down at my food.

“We came over on the Mayflow­er' lega­cies,” Gage added.

I get it. I'm not in­vit­ed. Thanks for the ham­mer to the head.

“The on­ly way to get in if you're not a lega­cy is to be a lega­cy's plus-?one,” Noelle said, look­ing di­rect­ly at Dash un­til he start­ed con­cen­trat­ing very se­ri­ous­ly on his food. "And on­ly a very,


very se­lect few even get a plus-?one. Your fam­ily has to go back to prac­ti­cal­ly the dark ages."

“Now where on Earth would Reed find a lega­cy with a plus- one?” Ki­ran pon­dered aloud.

I looked around at all of them, wait­ing for the an­swer, un­til Noelle tilt­ed her head to­ward the oth­er side of the room. I turned and fol­lowed her gaze. Whit­tak­er. Whit­tak­er, who was, as he al­ways seemed to be, chat­ting with an adult. This time, Dean Mar­cus.

Sud­den­ly it hit me like a car­toon pi­ano to the head. This was why Lon­don had want­ed to use him. This was why Vi­en­na had sug­gest­ed that ev­ery girl in school would be af­ter him in the next few weeks. Whit could get one lucky girl in­to the Lega­cy with his cov­et­ed plus-?one. If I had any shot in hell of go­ing, I would have to be Walt Whit­tak­er's date.

I looked at Noelle again. She arched one eye­brow and lift­ed a shoul­der, like

, Told you so. She had planned this from the start. The things Whit­tak­er could get me that I wouldn't oth­er­wise have. We weren't talk­ing about di­amond ear­rings or oth­er ran­dom lux­ury items. We were talk­ing about en­tre in­to ex­clu­sive par­ties. We were talk­ing about ac­cep­tance among the elite. Just be­ing a Billings Girl wasn't enough. At least not for me. I was a spe­cial case. I need­ed an­oth­er leg up.

I took a deep breath. What Noelle didn't re­al­ize was that I couldn't be Whit­tak­er's plus-?one. I couldn't lead him on just to get an in­vite to some par­ty, no mat­ter how in­trigu­ing and mys­te­ri­ous and ex­clu­sive. He clear­ly liked me. A lot. Us­ing him would


be way too mean. And be­sides, Con­stance was to­tal­ly in love with him. There was no way I was do­ing that to her. Ex­cept...

“Do you guys re­al­ly think Pear­son is go­ing to be there?” Josh asked.

Ex­cept for that.

“Are you kid­ding? Wher­ev­er Pear­son is right now, he'll be at the Lega­cy,” Dash said. “Dude wouldn't miss this par­ty if he was dead.”

Thomas was go­ing to be at the Lega­cy. His friends seemed fair­ly cer­tain of that fact. That was the whole point of me try­ing to get to this thing, wasn't it? So that I could yell at him for ev­ery­thing he'd put me through. So that he could ex­plain. So that I could see that he was okay.

Slow­ly, I looked up at Whit­tak­er again. He was laugh­ing hearti­ly at some­thing the dean had said--a nice, big bel­ly laugh. And sure enough, a few ran­dom girls were look­ing on with stars in their eyes, just wait­ing to pounce on him once he was free. Thomas was go­ing to be at this par­ty. The on­ly way for me to get in­to this par­ty was to get Whit­tak­er to in­vite me. If I want­ed to see my maybe - ex, I was go­ing to have to use my maybe-?stalk­er to do it.

Fate had a re­al­ly messed-?up sense of hu­mor.


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