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Invitation Only (Private 2)

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“Oh! Right!” I said, all the blood in my body rush­ing to my face. Of course she didn't know what I was do­ing. How could she


pos­si­bly? “I am a writ­er. I'm ac­tu­al­ly think­ing about join­ing. You know, the Quill.”

If it hadn't been for self-?preser­va­tion pur­pos­es, I might have been alarmed that I was get­ting so good at ly­ing.

“That's great. We'd love to have you,” Ar­iana said with a small smile. She looked at Noelle, who was, for some rea­son, grin­ning as well. “What do you write?”

Now I reached over and clicked the lap­top closed, most­ly to stall for time. I hadn't writ­ten any­thing cre­ative­ly since first grade, when I'd writ­ten a short sto­ry ti­tled “An­imal Crack­ers” that had been uni­ver­sal­ly panned by all the six-?year-?olds in my class.

“Uh . . . es­says, most­ly,” I said. “But late­ly I haven't re­al­ly had much time.”

Thanks to you guys, my tone im­plied. You and your chore list are so the rea­son my muse has gone miss­ing.

“And you're about to have even less,” Noelle said hap­pi­ly.

Ev­ery­thing in­side of me slumped. “Why?”

“It's the win­dows,” Tay­lor said, her ex­pres­sion bor­der­ing on apolo­get­ic. “They're a dis­grace.”

The win­dows? Didn't Eas­ton em­ploy a main­te­nance staff for this kind of thing? “What win­dows?” I asked, even though I al­ready knew the an­swer.

“All of them,” Noelle said, tak­ing my note­book out of my hands. I snatched at it, but she tossed it on my bed. She reached in­to the pa­per bag and pro­duced a bot­tle of Windex and a stack of fresh rags. “And you can start with mine.”



“It's go­ing to rain,” Ar­iana said, turn­ing her blue eyes to­ward the roil­ing sky the fol­low­ing evening. “We should hur­ry.”

I wrapped my scarf around my neck and scur­ried down the li­brary stairs af­ter her. The last hour had been spent lis­ten­ing to Ar­iana and her fel­low Quill ed­itors dis­cuss the mer­its and flaws of var­ious sub­mis­sions for the lat­est is­sue. Since, in my mo­ment of pan­ic, I had ex­pressed an in­ter­est, Ar­iana had in­vit­ed me to come along and see what it was like. Now, hav­ing lis­tened to these pre­ten­tious peo­ple tear­ing apart one an­oth­er's work, I could sum it up in three words:

Not for me.

Still, I was touched that she had asked me. It meant that she thought I was wor­thy of shar­ing one of her fa­vorite things. If on­ly she knew that when­ev­er I had start­ed scrib­bling in my note­book dur­ing the meet­ing I hadn't been tak­ing notes on the po­ems but jot­ting down new ideas for her pass­word.

That morn­ing, while I was sup­posed to be scrub­bing floors, I


had searched Ar­iana's room for a cal­en­dar or a date book, hop­ing to put Tay­lor's the­ory to the test, but had found noth­ing. If Ar­iana had a plan­ner, she kept it with her at all times. Af­ter that fail­ure, I had spent half an hour rapid­ly typ­ing in ev­ery po­ten­tial key­word I could come up with, flinch­ing at ev­ery creak of the floor and ev­ery chirp of a bird out­side the win­dow. None of them had worked. Now I was on a mis­sion. I had spent too much of my time on this al­ready. I had to crack that pass­word, if on­ly to be able to tell my­self that I had suc­ceed­ed.

So I had spent most of my class­es brain­storm­ing more and more po­ten­tial pass­words and writ­ing them down in my trusty note­book. At this rate I was go­ing to flunk out of school, but at least I would know whether or not the Billings Girls had got­ten Leanne Shore thrown out. Yeah. It would all be worth it.


“So, what did you think? ”Ar­iana asked me as we speed-?walked along the cob­bled paths. “Did you en­joy it?”

“It was in­ter­est­ing,” I said in a non­com­mit­tal tone. “I don't know if I feel com­fort­able tear­ing apart peo­ple's po­ems, though.”

“Why?” Ar­iana asked.

“Well, those are their most per­son­al thoughts and feel­ings. It has to take a lot to put that out there,” I said. “And you guys just sat there throw­ing out words like pa­thet­ic and pedes­tri­an and cliche. That one girl was on the staff and you said she had no orig­inal thought. Right in front of her.”

“I know. It's not easy,” Ar­iana said, shak­ing her head. She


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