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Invitation Only (Private 2)

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“Good evening, Miss Bren­nan,” she said, hold­ing her col­lar up tight­ly with one fist. “It's time to say good night.”

Whit­tak­er looked at me apolo­get­ical­ly and then got out of the car. I shoved the lot­tery tick­ets in my pock­et and gath­ered up my ros­es as he came around and opened the door for me. My knees quaked as I placed one high heel on the side­walk. Whit­tak­er saw the hes­ita­tion and ba­si­cal­ly pulled me to my feet.

“Good night, Reed,” Whit­tak­er said as Mrs. Lat­timer backed up the slight­est bit.


“Good night, Whit,” I replied. “Hap­py birth­day.”

“Thank you,” he said.

And then, much to my shock and, I'm sure, the shock of Mrs. Lat­timer, he leaned in and gave me one last kiss. Closed mouthed, lin­ger­ing, gen­tle.

“Ahem,” Mrs. Lat­timer said. She didn't even clear her throat. Mere­ly stat­ed the word.

Whit­tak­er pulled away, smiled all gooey, and got back in his car. I turned and smiled awk­ward­ly at Mrs. Lat­timer.

“A suc­cess­ful night, then?” she said.

“You could say that,” I told her, try­ing to quench the guilt. I hadn't had the chance to tell Whit how I re­al­ly felt. Now he was go­ing back to his dorm think­ing he'd scored a sec­ond date. And even worse? Part of me was re­lieved. I re­al­ly want­ed to go to that damn par­ty. I had to.

And, I mean, was it re­al­ly so bad? Whit­tak­er re­al­ly want­ed to go with me. He hadn't asked any­one else. What was wrong with ac­cept­ing a good friend's in­vi­ta­tion?

Ugh. I loathed my­self.

“Come along,” Mrs. Lat­timer said. “It's very late.”

I took a deep breath in an at­tempt to calm my nerves. Nerves from the kiss, from get­ting caught, from know­ing that I was go­ing to the Lega­cy and ev­ery­thing that meant to me, to Whit, to Thomas. I breathed in and looked up at the sky, but my gaze nev­er got there. It stopped with a jolt at a win­dow in the top floor of Brad­well. A win­dow through which Mis­sy, Lor­na, and Con­stance were star­ing.


My al­ready spas­tic heart now sank clear down through my ab­domen and in­to my toes. Con­stance. She had seen it all. It was writ­ten all over her face. The car, the flow­ers, the kiss. Her heart was break­ing as she sat there and stared. And I was the one who had bro­ken it.



I made the beds quick­ly on Sat­ur­day morn­ing and raced out of Billings, hop­ing to catch Con­stance the mo­ment she emerged from Brad­well. Once out on the quad I re­al­ized I hadn't been fast enough. Con­stance was al­ready halfway to the cafe­te­ria, flanked on one side by Ki­ki and Di­ana, on the oth­er by Lor­na and Mis­sy. Like sud­den­ly they were her best friends. Last week they couldn't have cared less about Con­stance, so I knew they were just align­ing them­selves with her be­cause it meant stand­ing up to me.

But I wasn't afraid of them. Com­pared to the peo­ple I had to deal with on a dai­ly ba­sis in my own home, these girls were ted­dy bears.

“Con­stance!” I shout­ed. There was a slight trip in her step. Lor­na turned her head to look, then whis­pered some­thing in Con­stance's ear. They all upped their pace. “Con­stance! Come on! Wait up!”

They didn't pause or even slow down. Luck­ily I could have caught them all even if I had a sprained an­kle and a res­pi­ra­tor. I jogged around and got in front of them. The look of pure hurt Con­stance cast my way was enough to take the breath out of me. They used that mo­ment to move around me and keep walk­ing.


“Con­stance!” I placed my hand on her shoul­der. She whirled around, red hair fly­ing.

“What?” she snapped. Her face was all blotchy and moist, her eyes psy­chot­ical­ly bright green and rimmed with red.

“I. . . I'm sor­ry, all right?” I said.

Con­stance nar­rowed her eyes and shift­ed her weight from one foot to the oth­er. “For what?” she asked, lift­ing her chin.

“For last night,” I said. “I know you saw us and I swear I didn't want any of that to hap­pen. You have to be­lieve me.”

“Right. You didn't want to go on an off-?cam­pus date with one of the hottest guys at Eas­ton,” Con­stance said. “You didn't want to get flow­ers. You didn't want to get kissed.”

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