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Invitation Only (Private 2)

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“Go on,” she said.

“Where to start?” I said, look­ing at the ceil­ing and wip­ing my sweaty palms on my jeans.


“The be­gin­ning al­ways seems a good place,” Ar­iana said.

I laughed ner­vous­ly. “Right. Okay, well. Re­mem­ber that night out in the woods? At the end of par­ents' week­end? The night I met Whit?”

I swal­lowed hard.

“Yes,” Noelle said, hold­ing a di­amond chan­de­lier ear­ring up to her ear.

“Well, that night, Natasha ap­par­ent­ly took some pic­tures of me. And Whit. Do­ing things,” I said.

That got their at­ten­tion. Noelle fi­nal­ly turned away from the mir­ror and looked di­rect­ly at me. I ex­pect­ed her to be shocked and ap­palled, but she sim­ply smirked.

“What kind of things?” she said.

Oh, God. She was go­ing to make me say it. Couldn't she see my skin was burn­ing off over here? “Kiss­ing, drink­ing. You know.”

“Okay,” Ar­iana said blankly.

“Well, she showed me the pic­tures and threat­ened to send them to the dean and have me kicked out of school un­less . . . un­less...”

They were go­ing to kill me. They were go­ing to tear my hair out and gouge my eyes and, worse, have me thrown out of Eas­ton faster than you could say “nice try.”

“Un­less ...,” Ar­iana prompt­ed, wav­ing a hand blithe­ly in front of her.

“Un­less I spied on you guys,” I blurt­ed fi­nal­ly, clos­ing my eyes. "Well, not spied ex­act­ly, but snooped. Through your stuff. While I was sup­posed to be clean­ing. She thinks that you guys


got Leanne Shore kicked out of school and she want­ed me to find proof."

I wait­ed for the ex­plo­sion, but none came. When I was fi­nal­ly able to fo­cus again, Ar­iana was still star­ing at me. Noelle was still smirk­ing. Where was the shock? The in­dig­na­tion? They should have been fu­ri­ous at me. Or at the very least sur­prised and an­gry at Natasha for try­ing to use me. But they just stood there. I had no idea what the hell was go­ing on.

“And did you?” Noelle asked.

“Snoop or find proof?” I asked.

“Ei­ther. Both,” Ar­iana said.

My head au­to­mat­ical­ly bowed. “Yes. I did. I found some­thing, but I haven't done any­thing with it. I swear.”

I wished they would say some­thing. Any­thing. I wished they would yell and scream. They were silent as monks. And it was far more dis­turb­ing than any freak-?out could ev­er be.

“Well, any­way, here's what I found,” I said, whip­ping the disk out of my back pock­et and hold­ing it out. Nei­ther one of them moved. Fi­nal­ly I had to step past Noelle and place the disk on her desk. Then I backed up to my spot and wait­ed. And wait­ed. This was tor­ture of the most bru­tal kind. “So ... what're you go­ing to do?”

Noelle sighed dra­mat­ical­ly. She turned around and lift­ed an­oth­er ear­ring out of a box. “Noth­ing.”

“What do you mean, noth­ing? ” I said. Al­though I knew I had no right to, I was start­ing to get a lit­tle an­gry. Couldn't they see how dif­fi­cult this was for me? Couldn't they see the fu­ture-?threat­en­ing


predica­ment I was in? They could at least re­act in some way. “Aren't you mad?”

“Not es­pe­cial­ly,” Ar­iana replied, stand­ing. She float­ed past me over to her side of the room and re­moved a pair of sil­ver san­dal­like shoes from the floor of her clos­et.

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