I split off from Noelle on the way to dinner, hoping to find Thomas Thomas’s face lit up in a way I had never seen before. For the
before everyone got to the table. After my phone call with my father first time, I could clearly see what he had looked like as a little boy.
I was a jumble of warring emotions. At turns I was proud of myself, A little boy who had just been given a shiny new bike. Or in
then guilty, then free, then miserable. I wanted to both laugh and Thomas’s case, perhaps a helicopter.
burst into tears. I needed to talk to Thomas. I needed to talk to
“This is perfect!” he said. “Now you can come to lunch with me
someone who would understand.
and my parents.”
The weather had changed as if to match my mood. A light drizzle I looked at him, confused. “Since when are you so psyched about had started to fall just before we left Bradwell, matched with a chilly lunch with your parents?” Part of me had thought that since I had wind. I pulled my denim jacket tighter around me as I approached stood up to my dad, maybe he would be able to do the same.
the cafeteria. Fall was definitely here. Students rushed by me, Apparently he wasn’t so inclined or inspired.
hustling to get inside before the sky opened up. When I saw Thomas
“Since you became available,” he replied, settling back into his standing outside the double doors I felt instantly relieved. He was, cool demeanor. “They’re dying to meet you. And when they’re
as always, surrounded by random students, some of whom I now
dying to meet someone, they’re usually on their best behavior.”
knew and some of whom I had only seen around. Easton was small
A bunch of girls from my floor walked by us in a clump, chatting enough that by this time I had seen everyone around. Thomas
loudly as they slipped into the cafeteria.
caught my eye, said a few words to his entourage, and they all
“Why are they dying to meet me?” I asked.
dispersed quickly. Sometimes I thought I was dating not only the
“I told them about you and they love that I have an actual
girlfriend,” he said with a small smile. “Any sign of stability in my life sends them into ecstatic convulsions.”
“Wow. So, have you never had a girlfriend before?” I asked.
“Not one worth telling them about,” he replied. I flushed with
pleasure as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer NEW TASK
to him. “So come. Please? It’ll make everything so much easier.”
I was flattered. Flattered and honored and just happy. Thomas
wanted me to meet his parents. He practically needed me to. All the guilt I had been feeling over my own family was pushed aside.