Ambition (Private 7) - Page 93

the microphone right out of my hand, and stepped to the front of the stage. "Thank you, Ivy, for the unplanned entertainment," she be-

gan with a smile, coaxing out a few laughs from the crowd. "For those of you who don't know me, I'm Noelle Lange, and I am a senior

at Easton Academy and at Billings House. I just want to go on the record as saying that almost everything Ivy has just told you... is


There were a few gasps and some stunned silence. No one was expecting that. I stepped back and hugged my now freezing-cold

arms. Watched her as if I was watching a film, a play--something from which I was completely detached. "Our living arrangements

were put in jeopardy due to some unfortunate incidents earlier this year, true, and it is also true that we asked Headmaster Cromwell

for a second chance," Noelle continued. "He agreed that the best way for us to prove our loyalty to Easton would be for us to throw a

fund-raiser for the school and

so, here we are. Just to clear things up, you should know that any money you donate this evening will be

going directly to the Easton Academy board of trustees, to be used at their discretion. Billings will have no further involvement with

the funds." She glanced at Ivy, who looked angry enough to spit. But she stayed where she was, as if waiting for her next opening. Not

that Noelle was about to give her one. "Now, as for the accusations about the behavior of the Billings Girls, all I can say is, Ivy is

right," Noelle continued. "We have, in the past, used our power and position on campus to get the things we wanted, but all that has

changed this year. This year's new house members were chosen by the administration, not by the residents of Billings. They were cho-

sen for their academic merit, their service to the school, their morals and standards. They are the best of what Easton has to offer."

She looked down at our friends, who had now gathered in front of the stage, like a mother hen looking down at her freshly hatched

chicks. "They deserve a chance to make Billings what it should be," Noelle continued. "They shouldn't have to pay for the crimes,

whether real or perceived," she said, pointedly looking at Ivy, "of those of us who came before. "They are the new Billings, and the

new Billings is about sisterhood, about strength, about doing what's right and putting forth the best image we can for Easton," Noelle

continued. "That's where your hard-earned money is going tonight. To building a better Billings, a better Easton, a better future." She

paused and looked around the room, driving her message home to each and every member of her audience. "Are you really going to

let one misguided party crasher get in the way of all that?" she asked, lifting a blithe hand toward Ivy.

The laughter and applause filled the room this time, and we all knew. We all knew that Noelle had won. She handed the micro-

phone to Tiffany, who quickly squirreled it away. Ivy simply stood there, arms crossed in an indignant pose, until she finally shook

her head and made her retreat. The cheers were still echoing in my " head when Noelle turned to me. There was no way to express the

force of gratitude that was surging through my weakened body.

"Noelle, thank you so much," I gushed, a tear spilling down my cheek. "I didn't know what to do. I--" "Well, Glass-Licker. Looks

like I've saved your little fund-raiser twice now," Noelle interrupted, her eyes flashing. "I guess you were right all along. This is my

house." I felt like she had just slapped me across the face. "What?" I gasped. Noelle looked me up and down like I was some pile of

Tags: Kate Brian Private
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