Suspicion (Private 10) - Page 49

"Yes," I said. "I think so. Thanks for the ride."

Her brow creased in confusion, but then she laughed. "Oh, the helicopter. Of course." She looked at Upton as we all continued inside the house, the EMTs still pushing my stretcher. "Some woman from the police station just called and said the ambulance was delayed, but it would be here within the next half hour."

"It was supposed to be waiting," Upton said, his jaw clenched.

"Well, you know how things work on this island," Mrs. Ryan said, rolling her eyes. "She also said they need you down there. They have some questions about Poppy and your . . . relationship."


"Now?" Upton was annoyed.

"It seems they want to wrap this up as quickly as possible," Mrs. Ryan said.

"Upton, I don't want you to go," I said.

"Don't worry. Let's just get you inside," he replied.

Once we were inside the house, there were a lot of hushed conversations between Mrs. Ryan and Upton and the EMTs, all taking place while I lay flat on my gurney, shivering and staring up at an ornate chandelier made out of coral and rock. Finally, the EMTs left in a huff. All I heard them say was that they highly recommended I visit the hospital within the next twenty-four hours.

"Can we get this thing out of my arm now? It's burning," I said, shoving the covers off of me and swinging my bare legs around the side of the stretcher. I got a head rush and brought my free hand to my forehead, waiting for it to pass.

Okay. So maybe the hospital would have been a solid idea.

"Of course," Mrs. Ryan said, rushing forward.

She helped me remove the bandage and the needle and pushed the IV tower aside. Ever since I'd arrived on this island she'd been nothing but a bitch to me. Perhaps she was feeling guilty now that I'd almost died for the fourth time. Nowthat one of her friend's daughters had hired hit men to kill me.

"What do you need?" she asked, stepping back, lacing her fingers together.

I glanced over her shoulder at Upton. "Food? Water? What first? " he asked.


"Actually, I'd kill for something solid to eat," I said. "And a bath would be great."

"I have this amazing bubble bath with aloe in it," Mrs. Ryan said. "It will do wonders for that burn."

"Let's get her upstairs," Upton suggested. "Then you can come down and talk to the chef."

"What about the police?" Mrs. Ryan asked him. "They said it was urgent."

Upton glanced at me warily. "I don't think I should go anywhere just now."

"Nonsense," Mrs. Ryan said. "I'm perfectly capable of taking care of Reed until you get back. Besides, the ambulance will be here soon, not to mention the rest of your friends and their families." She gave me a tight smile. "Everyone wanted to be here to make sure you're all right."

I swallowed hard as I looked at Upton. I didn't want him to go. Not after longing to see him for the past six days. I never wanted to let him out of my sight again. But if Noelle and the others were on their way, I could manage. Especially if he was going off to slam the last nail into Poppy's coffin.

"Reed?" he said.

"It's okay," I said as my bare feet hit the cold tile floor. My knees collapsed underneath me and Mrs. Ryan held me up. She was a lot sturdier than she appeared.

"Are you all right?" Upton asked.

"Fine," I said, clearing my parched throat. "You can go. Just . . . come right back," I said, glancing warily at Mrs. Ryan.


Upton approached me. He placed his hands gently on my shoulders, probably afraid of hurting my scorched skin. "Are you sure? "

Tags: Kate Brian Private
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025