Super Stupid Cupid (Super in Love) - Page 9

I explained to him that I once went out with Drake, and things did not go very well since he was the love them and leave them type. I also mentioned the fact that Jane was not the best of people, and matching the two of them was a weird sense of justice in my eyes. One night with her would be the punishment that Drake deserved.

Felix laughed. “I had no clue. I’ve never talked to Jane.” He nodded at Drake. “I didn’t know you dated him. Yeah, the dude is a player. But he can handle a ball. I’m glad he’s on our team.”

I noticed Drake’s eyes on me and turned quickly to avoid them. “Shit,” I whispered to Felix. “Stop looking over there. He’s starting to stare.”

My date laughed and waved. I had to glance back to see Drake’s reaction. My ex did wave back, but it was evident by his face that he was less than pleased with Felix’s choice for him. I had to put a hand over my mouth to suppress my giggles.

“Hey.” The tight end leaned in closer, and I got a whiff of his cologne. “Want to make Drake super mad?”

The impishness of his tone caught my attention, so I leaned in too. Our noses were inches apart, and I could feel his breath on my cheek.

“Let’s pretend we are having a great time, so he’ll be even more jealous.”

I knew it was an act; I knew it, but the playfulness in Felix’s voice had me hooked. “And do what?” I asked coyly.

I remembered how Drake left me, used me, and threw me away like a used piece of toilet paper. It would be good to one-up him.

Felix’s deep brown eyes stared into mine. For a second, I lost the ability to breathe.

“Kiss me.”

“What?” I gasped.

“Let’s pretend that we are in love. Drake will be furious. We’ll be over here kissing, and he’ll be nagged by Jane. His own personal hell.”

“His own personal hell,” I repeated, but I barely heard the words. My eyes were on Felix’s lips—so soft and plump. “Kiss you?”

“Yes,” he repeated. “Show him you’ve moved on, and whatever he did doesn’t matter in the slightest.”

I told myself it was a good plan. That I was only doing it because of what Drake had done and not because Felix was hot, charming, and two inches away.

I leaned in. At the first brush of his lips, an electric zing went through my body. Felix and I started kissing even though I was hesitant at first. He held my hands, stared into my eyes, and kissed me some more. I allowed him to have fun with me while I cast a glance in the direction of Drake, who was staring at us.

It felt nice to have him watch as Felix kissed me and showered me with affection. His eyes widened, and even Jane had to call his attention away from us.

Felix was enjoying himself, and I started caressing his head, suddenly finding it weird that I was enjoying his kisses. As it turned out, he was really good at it, and he kept going with some fair share of enthusiasm to the extent that other people noticed us. He laid off for a minute or so, but the damage was already done.

I started looking at him differently, admiring his wavy hair for the first time. I was always confident in his charming, good looks, and I knew physically there was no way I could resist him.

Yet, there was his poor reputation. If only he was a kinder person, maybe I could get into the idea of being with him. However, I still enjoyed his kissing, and I suddenly found the dinner to be enjoyable.

Earlier in the evening, I was seeking all means to get myself out of the matchup. Now I found myself staring intensely into Felix’s eyes as he embarked on yet another story.


The dinner was fun with Felix, and he ended up escorting me home amid laughter and affection.

I was quite surprised how the evening had turned out. I was not expecting to have any fun, but as it was, I was getting to my front door feeling a sense of euphoria. There was no way I would have ever been able to guess that things could have turned out that fun.

Seeing Drake with Jane was the highlight of my evening. Everybody on the cheerleading squad did not like her very much because she was very arrogant and boogie. Sometimes I wondered why she agreed to do cheerleading in the first place; she could do anything she wanted from the way she talked.

Jane was continually getting into conflict with some of her colleagues, which made her look really bad. Once, we had an argument about a guy she was seeing and thought I was trying to steal him away from her. It made me permanently hate her.

Tags: Jamie Knight Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025