Pushing You Away - Noah & Katie (Ex-Con Duet 3) - Page 62

His words have my eyes nearly rolling to the back of my head.

Hell yes.

“There you two are,” Gemma scolds when we finally make our way to the front.

Tyler snorts, shaking his head. “I recognize that sex hair.”

My eyes widen as Gemma swats him. “That’s my brother. Please stop talkin’.”

Quickly, I flatten my hair as my cheeks go crimson.

“I better get back to work,” I say awkwardly. “Thanks for showing me around. Everything looks incredible.”

“Should be up and running in about six weeks,” Tyler says proudly. “Just waiting on some final pieces of equipment and the boxing ring.”

“And hiring more people,” Gemma adds.

“That juice bar is gonna be a hit.” I smile, giving her a hug goodbye.

Before I walk out, Noah pulls me aside and kisses me.

“See you tonight for movies and popcorn.” He winks.

When he comes over to visit, Noah parks a block away, then enters through the back door. Though I hate we have to be a secret, I’m also enjoying keeping our relationship status within our inner circle only. The moment people find out, I’ll be bombarded by rumors, so it’s nice to enjoy this quiet time.

“How was your pizza?” Missy asks as I walk through the doors.

“It was…” I tilt the corner of my lips. “Hot.”

I go to my office and shut the door for my conference call, which is boring as hell. The end of my shift can’t come soon enough. Owen’s been bouncing off the walls excited to watch Star Wars tonight, and I’m eager to hang out with Noah. Though he typically stays till one or two in the morning, it never seems like enough time.

After work, I pick up Owen from my mother’s, and he immediately begs me to stop by the bakery.

“Please, Mom? We can have cupcakes for dessert! And it’s not a school day tomorrow.”

I sigh and give in. “Alright, just one, though.”

As we walk to the car, my phone rings with Noah’s name.

“Hey,” I answer.

“Hey. Just wanted to give you a heads-up that I’m gonna be a little late. Brittany called and said she’s stranded with a flat on some country road ten minutes outside Mobile and needs a ride back to town.”

Agitation rolls through me.

“She can’t call a tow truck? Or someone else?”

“She said she tried but was given a two-hour window, and she doesn’t want to sit out there in the dark. No one else answered, I guess. She’s with Anthony and doesn’t have a spare.”

I have a hard time being mad, knowing she’s with her son in the middle of nowhere on the side of the road.

Though I suspect this is just a ploy to get Noah’s attention, I know it won’t work. There’s no harm in him helping her out either.

“Alright well, just please be careful. Text me when you’re on the way back.”

“I will. Once I drop them off, I’ll go home and shower, then be right over.”

“Sounds good.” We hang up, and I drive to the bakery that’s next to the deli.

Once we park, Owen rushes in and leaves me behind.

“Owen Gabriel Reid,” I scold when I finally catch up to him. “You don’t run across parking lots like that.”

“Sorry,” he mumbles while scanning the display case.

“Hey, Alexandra,” I say as soon as she greets us.

“Hey kiddo, what’re ya in the mood for today?” she asks Owen.

“Alllll of them.” He nearly drools.

“One,” I remind him.

While he decides, I order two for Noah and me.

When he finally decides, Alexandra packs everything, and we say our goodbyes. As we exit, I spot Jerry and Belinda leaving the deli.

“Hey, you two.” I smile.

“Hey, kiddos. What are you up to?”

“Just gettin’ some cupcakes for dessert,” I explain. “What about you?”

“Brittany had to leave early for some family emergency, so I had to stay later than usual,” Belinda says.

I furrow my brows, confused. “In Mobile?” I ask.

“Um, I don’t think so. Her vehicle wasn’t working, so someone picked her up.” She shrugs.

“Wait, what?” My heart races.

“Yeah, she left it over there and said she’d pick it up tomorrow.” I look over and see the same color SUV as hers parked there. My mind instantly reels. Needing to double-check for myself, I walk over and notice the back window decal that I’ve seen at school drop-off.

Peeking inside, I glance around and see something on the floorboard in the back. I try my best to make out what it is and realize it’s a can of red spray paint.

The same color spray paint that MURDERER was written in on Noah’s truck.

What the fuck? Why would she be after Noah?

Without making Jerry panic, I try to keep calm, but it’s hard. I’d like to think I’m overreacting, but my gut tells me otherwise. The strange way she’s been acting, the odd questions she’s asked, it’s all a little too convenient. The fact that Noah’s driving to her right now without knowing what her intentions or motives are makes me feel sick.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Ex-Con Duet Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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