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True. Tristan’s reasons for wanting to buy over investing were solid. He had the procedures in place to move the product forward. The three of them, and their lack of knowledge in just about everything other than running classes and the social site, would be a hindrance he didn’t have time for. Dallas couldn’t fault the logic. As far as the business went, they did have a steep learning curve to overcome; he saw it in them every day.

“Hey, guys!”

The three turned in unison to see Dylan jogging toward them, his hand raised, trying to gain their attention.

“I’m glad you didn’t get too far. I was inspired by you three. I want you to give me a couple of days. Let me run your business through the investment groups I’m involved with. If I can’t find anyone interested, let me see how much money I can come up with. I think the box is a good way to get people moving from home. I like adding the getting fit concept to the Secret brand. And that mirror of yours is going to change things in the physical fitness industry.”

After hearing those words, the heaviness in Dallas’s heart instantly lifted. An ease he hadn’t felt in months made him smile and quickly prompted him to extend his hand to shake Dylan’s. “Thank you, sir. BikeBro has been our whole world for a long time now.”

Dylan continued shaking all their hands, grinning or maybe laughing at each of them in their enthusiasm. “There’s something else. I want my branding team at Wilder to get a hold of your logo and polish it up. I took a look at your YouTube channel, and I’d like to see if we can do some brainstorming together to come up with a name for your company that will encompass all your different products and services. You’re more than a stationary bike streaming box. You have the social site and the mirror. You’re fully integrated and interactive.”

“It took us days to agree on the name BikeBro,” Ducky said, sounding disappointed. “But most people don’t know we’re brothers and that’s why the name fits us. I guess we can change it though.”

“If you don’t like what the branding team comes up with, there’s no harm, and I’ll instruct them to work closely with the three of you to keep your vision. Sound good?” Dylan added.

“Yep.” Ducky nodded his head vigorously. Apparently past any concern for the name change. Any hope of taming Ducky’s thick, longish locks broke when the ends sprang outward, bouncing back into his regular chaotic look.

“Yes, sir,” Donny answered with his military tone lacing each syllable. Dallas could almost hear the back of Donny’s dress shoes snapping together.

“So, I’ll be back in touch.” Dylan walked backward toward the building, adding, “Dallas, I’ll call you, correct?”

“Yes, that’s fine.” Both men nodded in agreement. Dylan turned away and took off jogging back to the building.

As all three of them stood there staring at the retreating Dylan, Dallas decided right then and there that the highs and lows of owning his own business were more stressful than monitoring a gym full of hyperactive, obstinate first graders.

“I’m not gonna lie, I left our meeting disappointed,” Donny muttered as he watched Dylan disappear back inside the building. “We didn’t get the cash we needed.”

“Do you think he can get it?” Dallas asked, afraid to hope, but doing just that.

“I don’t know, but this was the best meeting we’ve had. Their advice is incredible. I’ve got my work cut out for me,” Donny said. He turned away and started back for the street corner.

“The most important thing to me is their concern regarding the lack of classes. We’ve gotta increase the class loads. Maybe I can get someone other than Skye in the evenings. Do you think adding an additional two classes a day will help for now?” Dallas swiveled on his feet, following behind Donny.

“Cari said she’ll teach a class at night if she gets moved to days. She should know soon,” Donny said absently.

Cari teaching an evening class would help. “I don’t really need to sleep. I can add some overnight classes to get more recordings. We need more content for YouTube anyway. Maybe we can upload two videos a week,” Dallas said.

Ducky gave a sudden burst of laughter straight out loud at his serious contemplation. “You only sleep about five hours a night.”

Dallas cast a glance over his shoulder. Where he and Donny had turned strategic, Ducky’s casual gait and bright smile suggested his little brother was relishing his achievement.

The signal changed, and they stepped off the curb together.

“I gotta get back to the hospital.”

“No matter what, our business had a good day,” Ducky said.

Dallas slapped Donny’s outstretched hand, nodding his agreement. Ducky had already veered off, heading in the direction of Dallas’s car when Donny called out, “Ducky, call Dad and tell him Wilder offered you a job.”

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