Breakaway - Page 20

“Fuck, Greer. Your ass is perfect.” Vance’s husky words were followed by heavy footsteps thudding toward him. This would be his preference too. He ran his fingers through his thick hair, making sure it wasn’t standing on end before looking over his shoulder. Vance shed his clothes as he drew closer. The guy played the exact way Greer liked.

Greer barely had the shower faucet on before strong, calloused palms slid around his waist. “We need to do this more often. You’re hot as fuck.”

“Exactly my thoughts,” Greer cooed.

Greer had no idea how Vance had talked him into catching an UberPool to Club Indigo. It was late and Greer clearly hadn’t been thinking properly when Vance invited him to go.

Of course, he’d been to the dance club many times over the years. Club Indigo was a staple attraction of downtown Dallas nightlife. The place wasn’t all that exclusive, but it was expensive...

With that thought, it had just occurred to him that his job tonight was to cover the costs. Probably the reason Vance had suggested he tag along in the first place. Everything made better sense now, except for the body pressed snugly against his side inside the crowded compact car’s backseat. If he’d had any idea that UberPool meant splitting the cost with people going his same direction, he would have most certainly declined.

Lesson learned.

This had to be what sardines felt like packed inside their can. No wonder the little fish smelled so bad.

Vance had somehow managed his way into the front seat of the vehicle. The fucker. The car stopped at the curb in front of the club and Greer pulled at the door handle. The door didn’t budge. He tried again. What the hell?

Unexpectedly, his date tugged open his door from the outside. “I see that look in your eyes.” Vance’s smug laugh didn’t hinder Greer’s growing bad mood one bit.

Once out of the can and on his feet, Greer made a show of swiping at his clothing like a third grader to rid himself of the imaginary cooties he’d acquired from riding with the other passengers.

“We could have brought my car.”

“Quit being a snob,” Vance replied.

Greer’s grin begrudgingly slid in place as the car drove away. Vance’s comment was way off the mark. Now, Greer was calculating how much this night was going to cost him and how long he had to stay before he could duck out without looking like an old fuddy-duddy. “You think you know me?”

“My ass does.” The quip worked to ease his building bad attitude. So did the little flip Vance gave to his hair as he turned with swagger and started toward the front doors.

Vance wasn’t the only one with a tender ass.

Greer shook his head at all the arrogance strutting toward the front doors and let the muted beat of the music pick up his spirits. Vance’s spectacular bubble butt bounced to the thump of the electronic dance tune, and of course, Greer followed.

“I’m only staying for about an hour.” Greer grabbed the door, giving Vance a little shove to get him moving faster. The volume of the dance music increased, making it almost impossible to hear. Vance twerked against his ass as Greer paid their entrance fees.

Once inside, Greer glanced around. The club had been remodeled, allowing for more room to roam. People gathered in small clusters around booth-style seating, which edged the length of the interior walls. The center of the club incorporated a large dance floor. Lights flashed in time to the beat of the music, allowing enough light to easily find one of the three large bars in each corner. Round high-top tables were sprinkled all around the room. He got why the place was so packed on a weeknight. Both young and old seemed happy to be hanging out, mingling through the club. Club Indigo had a draw for everyone.

“I’m gonna dance. Go to that bar and tell Sam I’m on your tab.” Vance pointed to the bar in the closest corner. Without another word, Vance took off, bounding toward the dance floor as Greer pulled his wallet free and dug for his credit card.

Greer worked his way through the crowd. About midway to the bar, a Daft Punk mix began playing overhead, sending the crowd into a screaming excited frenzy. With the way everyone reacted, he wasn’t sure the club even needed the dance floor. Everyone began dancing where they stood. Greer ricocheted off writhing bodies, enjoying the brushes and touches as he went. The energy of the crowd ran through him, until he moved along with the others as he made the final steps to the bar.

“Are you Sam?” Greer called to the distracted bartender. He cast a glance up, but his hands never stopped working, filling orders behind the bar.

“Yup, do I know you?”

Tags: Kindle Alexander Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024