Breakaway - Page 24

By Dallas’s best estimate, it made Greer harmless and barking up the wrong tree, probably on purpose for how many eyes were on Greer, watching him watch Dallas.

And you’ve watched him like he’s watched you.

He’d really grown to dislike the side of his brain that never allowed him to walk away from the truth.

Questioning his own sexuality had been a small blip in the story of his life. His truthful side rolled its eyes at such a generic way of describing how he’d let a dude kiss him at his first junior high boy/girl party. At the time, Dallas hadn’t been questioning anything. He had wanted that kiss as bad as he’d ever wanted anything in his life. But the hell that had rained down on him afterward had been enough to never bark up that tree again.

The beat of the mix intensified as the movement of the crowd surrounded him. Thankfully, it took his thoughts away as he sang the words and changed his steps.

“You can dance.” The warm breath hitting the back of his neck made him jerk his head over his shoulder. Goose bumps sprang up underneath his knit long-sleeve pullover. Even under the haze of so much alcohol, his body tightened, tensing under the assessment of those amber eyes. Greer danced with another guy directly behind Dallas.

Yeah. Greer had that deadly combination of handsome as hell and sexy as sin. Dallas might just have a dream or two about Greer under the guise of sleep. He was too nice-looking for his own good. He had player written all over him.

Dallas sucked his lip between his teeth and held the other man’s gaze.

He could play on me, teach me a thing or two.

Skye popped up from out of nowhere. Within seconds, the four of them were dancing together. The sultry sound of a “Blinding Lights” mix began to play, slowing the group down, but lost none of the engaging vibe. Dallas moved freely, bringing forward every remembered step from his youth. He grinned happily and executed a partial spin, watching in slow motion the way the crowd bobbed along with him.

Dallas circled back around, with a shake of his hips. This time Greer was the only one there, closing the distance on him. Greer’s style mimicked Dallas’s, and he let the moment between them happen. He and Greer moved together, Greer anticipating each bump and thrust as if they’d been dancing together forever. Maybe Greer had the same junior high school dance training as Dallas. He burst out with a laugh and didn’t back away as Greer took his levity as an invitation, coming forward, brushing against his chest.

The music changed again. A reggae tune had Greer circling a strong arm around Dallas’s waist, drawing him flush against his body. Greer was a bold one. It felt good, dancing like this with him. Their bodies pressed tightly together. They slowed as Dallas stared straight into Greer’s hypnotic gaze, losing himself in their depths.

Greer was tall, maybe only an inch or two shorter than Dallas and had a hard, muscular build. The twinkle in Greer’s eyes took on a challenging glint as his grip tightened and his hips rolled forward. A rock-hard erection ground against him. Dallas’s breath hitched as Greer scanned his face. The intuitive man grinned, deducing exactly what Dallas tried to hide. What a fucking turn-on.

A tingle slid along Dallas’s heated skin as his heartstrings tugged at something unknown. The strict discipline he held over his body’s sexual responses began to crumble. Dallas tensed, his body growing hard and hot all over.

Greer leaned in, the exotic dark spice of his cologne aroused Dallas’s senses. His eyelids slid closed as Greer spoke a little above a whisper against his ear. “Don’t close up on me. Go with it. It’s hot as hell watching you dance.”

His seducer’s strong palms blazed a heated trail down Dallas’s sides, gripping him by the waist. In an unexpected move, Greer sent Dallas’s head reeling when he twisted Dallas around and hauled him back against his chest. Dallas’s body fit snuggly along Greer’s as if he were made for this man. The crease of his ass rested perfectly against Greer’s groin. Those strong arms wrapped tightly around his stomach, holding Dallas securely in place. There was no denying Greer’s intentions with the guy’s hard cock nestled firmly into Dallas’s ass.

Dallas didn’t make any move to dissuade the blond either. Staying just like that, lost in the feel of the moment, they danced together once again.

Oh hell, his defenses were nothing but dust the second Greer thrust his hips into him. The erotic move ignited every cell in his body, setting him aflame from within. Dallas closed his eyes, willing himself to remember every synchronized dip and roll they made. He wished he hadn’t had so much to drink. But then again, he wouldn’t be wedged against another man on the dance floor if he weren’t intoxicated. The feel of Greer’s heated body moving with his, the scent of his cologne, the hard evidence of need cradling his ass, it all vanquished Dallas’s inhibitions.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024