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Greer quickly stripped out of his clothes, hastily laying each article of clothing over a side chair, hoping to keep them from wrinkling. He grabbed a pair of cycle shorts, shoving one leg then the other through the holes while pushing his black sock-covered feet into his cycle shoes before mounting his bike.

With a quick press of his finger, he pushed the BikeBro power button and used the controls to select the current class. Seconds later, Dallas appeared, and Greer’s heart jolted, instantly connecting to the trainer on the other side of the screen. Greer sat upright, slowly peddling with his arms hanging loosely by his side, drinking in everything about his instructor.

It seemed Dallas’s big, powerful body spoke directly to Greer’s overzealous cock. A guy like Dallas could easily give as good as he got. Greer’s toes curled at the mental image of Dallas tossing him on the bed, forcefully dominating him. What a fucking turn-on.

Lost in the mental image, Greer didn’t immediately jump in when Dallas began the class. Instead, he kept spinning the wheels, watching Dallas bend over his bike and close his eyes. Skye started her classes on the floor, but Dallas was already mounted and ready to go. He saw the tired look on Dallas’s face. The fine lines etched around his eyes and the firm set of his jaw and mouth. Dallas had to have a hangover, probably severe if he was in fact a non-drinker. He gave Dallas big kudos for manning up and teaching through the pain.

Dallas earned more of his respect with how he kept it together as he gave his verbal instruction. His eyes opened. They were red-rimmed and carried the weight of the world in their depths. They tugged at something unknown inside Greer. Something Greer had never felt for another human being before. An inherent need to wipe away Dallas’s pain.

Dallas shifted from the warm-up into the workout. As if Dallas felt their binding connection, he lifted his eyes to the camera, staring directly at him. “We have a new rider in the class. Wild_Rider, pick up the pace. Join us.”

The deep rich timber of Dallas’s voice made Greer’s lips curve into a grin, and he did slowly start to pedal a little faster. He didn’t know what had pushed him home or even onto this bike. He certainly hadn’t intended to get in a full workout this morning. He had things to do, but he leaned down, hands gripping the handlebars, and pumped his legs. His gaze never left the screen as he matched the pace.


“You know who Wild_Rider is, right?” Ducky asked, his fingers flying over his keyboard as he craned his neck, splitting his attention between the activity on his monitor, with one earphone dislodged to the side of his head. Dallas, who stood at the kitchen sink, forced another glass of water down.

“He’s the guy who rode me into the ground the other night, right?” Dallas’s body hurt. Something had to give before he tried to tackle his next class. Dallas reached for the Advil bottle, dumping a couple more tablets into his palm, wishing Ducky didn’t feel chatty right now. His ass hit the counter as he tossed the pills into the back of his mouth.

“He’s also the guy who brought you home last night.”

Dallas stopped in midmotion of taking a drink, the pills already sliding to the back of his throat. He nearly choked when he tried to swallow and speak at the same time. “What?”

The information caused his head to pound as his pulse picked up, his blood double-timing through his veins.

“He brought you and Skye home. He’s the one who got you to the door. He had to dump you over his shoulder because I couldn’t carry you in…”

Those details were completely nonexistent from his memory. Something in the back of Dallas’s head had a fuzzy recollection of sitting on a bench outside the club, and Greer asking about Biker101. Had he said he was Wild_Rider?

Oh holy hell. How did the nightmare keep getting worse?

Dallas crossed his arms over his churning stomach.

“He’s interested in Skye, right?” Dallas asked lamely, trying to throw Ducky off from this weird reaction Dallas had every time the subject of Greer came up.

“Not with what I saw,” Ducky said cheekily, turning his full attention back to his monitor. Ducky pushed his headphones to cover his ears again. Dallas only stared at the back of his brother’s head, processing that cryptic remark. What had Greer done last night? Worse, what had his brother seen?

“Ducky, what’s that mean?”

His brother didn’t respond, already lost to his cyber world.

Did it even matter?

What about his company? How did his behavior last night affect their company?

Fuck. Dallas pushed off the countertop and went to the office chair beside his brother. He took the seat, letting the natural tilt cradle his body’s weight. Ducky cast a glance his way, his fingers racing over the keyboard. With a jerk of his head, Ducky somehow managed to move one of the headphones off one ear again.

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