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The kind, gentle man had captured Greer’s heart so completely, when Dallas stepped out of the car, his heart went too.

“I’ll see you in two hours,” Dallas said, looking back in through the open door.

“Yeah,” Greer replied before Dallas nodded and shut the door. Greer watched him through the rearview mirror. A small part of him wished Dallas had looked back at him, but he didn’t. He jogged toward his building, disappearing inside his apartment. That was okay. They were making headway.


Was it really a lie when he told Ducky he planned to spend the afternoon working with Greer on how best to lead a class? Maybe not, but when he added Greer wasn’t a natural leader, that was probably where his lie solidified.

It was him. Dallas sucked at lying and used too many words while most likely tipping his little brother off to the truth. But luckily, Ducky didn’t voice any of the confusion so clearly visible on his face. He only nodded and asked Dallas to bring food on his way home.

Dallas pulled his older model Camry along the curb in front of Greer’s house, and like magic, all the worry and concern of his entire life faded—just like it had the previous night. Greer was right. They were safe behind the walls of his home and his heart’s most secret desire waited for him on the other side.

He twisted the key, killing the engine as memories assailed him again. He couldn’t go a minute without remembering something about last night. He grinned, thinking about when he’d taken the seat of his bike that morning. The tender ache did in fact pulse, reminding him of the best sexual experience of his life with every turn of the pedal. He’d loved it so much and never wanted it to end.

How could something so fulfilling be so wrong? While there with Greer, Dallas’s life-long problem with anxiety had completely faded. His worry was non-existent. His body hummed, remembering the relief of his burdens. Maybe Greer’s constant finger play on his abs had something to do with the smile building in his haggard soul.

When the bubble of this weekend burst, when Greer went on with his life and Dallas went on with his, he’d have to learn how to balance his true self against the biases of those who were important to him. He promised himself he’d figure it out. He could no longer let family ties dictate who he wanted to be as a man. None of that seemed important anymore.

Greer Lockhart. Dallas closed his eyes, thinking of the wonderment of the man. Everything about Greer attracted him. The stunning man’s caring soul, the tenderness he showed last night while gently making love to Dallas, was forever locked away in his memory. He had concerns that he might not ever truly get over Greer, but no matter what, he’d always appreciate how that man had pushed him to be his authentic self.

Dallas wished for the life his parents had always wanted for him, except he wanted Greer as his partner. Marriage, children, growing old, grandbabies. How wrong he’d been to never fully visualize such things. A knock on the passenger side window startled the shit out of him. Dallas jerked his gaze toward the window, seeing Greer’s wide grin and handsome face staring at him.

Greer opened the door, sticking his head inside. “Are you nervous? Do I need to talk you inside?”

Dallas chuckled and pulled the keys out before reaching for his door handle. From the minute he was first introduced to Greer, that man had talked Dallas all the way into his bed. Greer didn’t need to this afternoon, though. Dallas willingly opened his door and stepped out, clicking the key fob to lock the doors—you know, because someone in these expensive homes might want to steal his fifteen-year-old car.

“Your car’s super clean,” Greer said, over the top of the car. “I doubted the truth of your clean-freak status based on the condition of your room.”

“Har, har. Now you have jokes,” Dallas said, rounding the trunk. “I like order, but BikeBro might be beating that out of me.”

“Will it help to move the offices outside of the apartment?” Greer asked, meeting Dallas on the sidewalk, neither touching the other.

“Ducky’s already said he doesn’t want to move his office, and if we make him, he plans on living at the office. Per him, it just makes it easier,” Dallas said. The news made Greer trip as he started up the walkway. He looked uncertain, opening his mouth then closing it when no words came, Dallas chuckled. “Don’t worry, he’ll do whatever needs to be done.”

“Did you tell him I wanted to lead a class?” Greer asked, seemingly accepting his answer, falling in step beside him.

“I did. That’s why I’m here. Remember? It’s concerning to let you take over, you’re going to need a lot of help before you go live. You know, because you’re not a natural born leader.” Dallas winked, opening the front door, pushing it wide, letting Greer walk through first.

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