Breakaway - Page 72

Barely inside the door, Greer reached for Dallas’s T-shirt, tugging him through the doorway. “I’ll show you a natural born leader.” Greer shut the door with a push of his foot. He was barefooted, how had Dallas missed that before, and why did it seem so sexy?

Dallas bit his lip as Greer’s grip tightened, fisting his T-shirt. The light breeze coasting over his already heating skin drew Dallas’s gaze toward the opened retractable walls along the back of the living room. A feature of the home that had fascinated Dallas last night. He barely got to see the cool view, though, because Greer’s face was in his. That was a much better view in his opinion anyway. Greer wrapped his strong arms around Dallas’s waist, lifting his smiling lips for a kiss.

“I’ve been bad and started without you. Come join.” Greer’s naughty grin and teasing words did all sorts of things to him. He was definitely putty when Greer’s mouth captured his lips in a smoldering, addictive kiss. Dallas heard more than saw Greer’s jeans drop to his feet. Foreplay was a thing of the past. Dallas was so right there with him. Why waste a second of the time they had together?

Dallas gathered Greer in a gentle, but strong embrace, drawing Greer’s hot body flush against his chest. One of his hands lowered to grip Greer’s naked ass. He squeezed the firm globe, letting his fingers sink into the perfect flesh. The other hand lifted to cradle Greer’s head, angling him just so to deepen the soul-destroying kiss.

Greer’s hips tucked into his. A moan eased past his lips as their cock’s were forced together. They were pressed tight from knees to chest. Maybe Dallas had played a large part in driving Greer’s groin against his own. Fuck, Greer was a hot guy. Dallas’s tongue pushed forward, and Greer’s fingers tangled in his hair. The battle for dominance drove the kiss from sultry to incendiary.

Bedroom. They needed the bedroom.

As if Greer read his mind, his handsome guy wrenched from the kiss and whispered in his ear, “Bedroom. Now.”

Those fleshy, demanding lips came for him again and he surrendered. He deepened the kiss, giving as good as he got. It took about ten seconds for his haze-filled brain to finally connect the dots, then Dallas started to blindly lead them to the bedroom, because he would never willingly break from a kiss like this.

Chapter 22

From the first moment Dallas opened for his kiss, Greer was lost to his man. The feel of his trainer’s strong arms wrapping securely around his body, the scent of citrusy spice cologne and male arousal swirling around his senses intoxicated him. The taste of this special man tantalized and enticed him.

All kinds of carnal visions exploded in Greer’s head as he and Dallas shuffled across the tile floor toward the bedroom. The slow-moving pace was awkward, neither wanted to let the other go. Then Dallas’s big arms locked around Greer’s waist before he bent at the knee and hoisted him off his feet, holding him about a foot off the ground. His gasp interrupted the kiss. He was suspended inches above Dallas’s handsome face.

Oh, fuck yeah. He wanted to be owned and manhandled. A dream fully materialized by his strong trainer. Greer smiled his sultry grin, lifting the corners of his mouth as Dallas’s chin tilted up and his mouth opened. It was all the instruction he needed to resume the scorching kiss. Desire welled, heating Greer’s body.

Greer wrapped his arms around Dallas’s thick shoulders, then ran his hands up the back of his neck to thread his fingers through those silky strands. He tilted his lover’s head for a better angle. Thank God he’d taken the time to stretch himself. Less time he’d have to wait to have that big, thick cock moving inside him.

He wrapped his legs around Dallas’s slim hips, locking his ankles together. Dallas had such a strong body. He rolled his hips into Greer, seeking more contact. Desperate and impatient Greer grasped the fabric of Dallas’s pullover, dragging the material up until his hands could reach the warmth of Dallas’s bare skin hidden underneath.

It wasn’t enough. Greer tore from the kiss, dragging Dallas’s shirt up over his head. Greer’s heavy, needy pants puffed across Dallas’s kiss-swollen wet lips. He hadn’t thought the move through. If he removed the shirt, Dallas would have to let go of him. He didn’t want that. Instead, he moved Dallas’s head out of the hole, left the arms inside the sleeves and plunged his tongue hungrily into Dallas’s open mouth. How they had gone from laughing outside to dry humping each other in less than two minutes spoke to the overwhelming attraction they both seemed to share.

“You’re so fucking hard,” Greer hissed, breaking from the kiss to haul his own shirt over his head. His back hit something hard, most likely the hall wall, and he grinned as his shirt came over his head and off his arms.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024