Breakaway - Page 81

The awe in Dallas’s tone made him chuckle. Then he almost moaned as his mister’s taste assaulted his senses. He could consume this man all morning if they had time, but sadly they didn’t. He trailed one hand up the side of Dallas’s thigh, reaching for his sac. He toyed with the soft skin before rolling his lover’s balls in his palm. With his other hand, he fisted Dallas’s shaft, using his hand to stroke as he used his mouth and tongue to pleasure his lover.

Hell, he was lost to Dallas.

The body under him tensed, Dallas’s feet and hands clutching at the mattress as he fought the bucking of his hips. Greer licked a trail up Dallas’s engorged cock, teasing the squirming man beneath him. He swirled his tongue around the swollen tip before dipping inside the slit, coaxing more of his lover’s essence from that powerful body. Greer lifted his gaze to Dallas.

The desire darkening Dallas’s riveting gaze was all it took for him to want to devour his trainer. He deep-throated Dallas, swallowing around the length in his throat.

“I love your mouth,” Dallas moaned, scraping his blunt fingernails against Greer’s scalp as he fisted his hands in Greer’s hair. Dallas’s hips rolled, finding a cadence Greer eagerly followed, bobbing his head with the rhythm Dallas set.

Using his left hand, he massaged and cradled his lover’s balls in his palm while gently squeezing Dallas’s shaft with his other. His fist slid suggestively over the wet trail his tongue left behind as he moved on and off his lover’s aroused cock. Dallas’s hands grew more insistent, forcing Greer’s head lower. The decadent feel of Dallas’s broad tip shoving down his throat left Greer fighting for breath in short gasping intervals. His guy seemed to like it naughty every single time they came together, which was exactly the way Greer wanted it.

Dallas’s moans came by way of an indecipherable chant, made louder with every thrust of his hips. Oh, how he wished to spend the day together in this bed.

His lover plunged forward one last time. The pulsating cock lodged enticingly in his throat until Dallas tried to pull away. Greer wasn’t having any of that. He gripped Dallas’s hip and took him to the root, burying his nose in the soft hairs at Dallas’s groin before pulling back to sample his prize. Dallas’s salty release filled his mouth and throat. What a fucking turn-on.

Dallas’s hips locked in place, the hand in his hair holding Greer there. He couldn’t breathe and that was fine by him. If he died right there, at least he’d go a happy man. Before he could make good on that offer, Dallas released him. Greer rose, swallowing and gasping for breath at the same time. Dallas’s hand came to his cock, the other tossed over his eyes as his chest heaved. His long hard body tensed, the muscles rippled and tight.

Oh fuck, he was in so much trouble. Greer wiped at the side of his mouth, crawling up his lover’s body. Soon Dallas would leave him. His hands pushed under Dallas’s body, reaching for his shoulders. Greer held on tight as he cushioned himself head to toe on that big body.

Dallas held him, turning to the side, cradling Greer with his arms and his legs. He loved that move. Then Dallas amped it up a notch by burying his face in the crook of Greer’s neck.

“How do you do that?” Dallas whispered.

“You turn me on.” Greer kissed his shoulder, pleased he was able to satisfy his guy. “Today, when you’re gone. You remember I’m right here waiting for you.”

There was a quiet pause, something Greer wasn’t sure he liked. When Dallas finally opened his mouth to speak, his cell phone’s alarm cut him off. The loud chirp ruined the moment. Dallas turned, having to completely release Greer to reach his phone on the nightstand. He put it down and turned back to Greer who smiled and lifted his arm. “Snooze with me for just a little longer.”

The phone started ringing. Dallas reached back, looked at the screen, and answered on the second ring. He laid back on the mattress, his hand covering his eyes. The invisible wall between them dropped into place at record speed, keeping Greer where he lay, utterly silent.

“I’m awake,” Dallas said, most likely to Ducky. They had agreed last night that Ducky would call Dallas at five thirty this morning. He’d claimed to be at another friend’s house, with one too many beers under his belt. Luckily, Ducky seemed oblivious to the truth. “Thanks.”

Dallas dropped the phone and lay there a few seconds before he rolled to sit on the edge of the bed farthest from Greer. “I’m exhausted.”

Tentatively, Greer reached out, trailing his palm down Dallas’s broad back. A doubt Greer couldn’t quite voice kept him quiet. Dallas finally tilted his chin over his shoulder, looking down at Greer. The gaze did look more tired than turmoiled.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024