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Dallas laid a heavy palm against Greer’s cheek, then trailed the outer edge of his face. “Thank you for all this.”

Greer left the words he wanted to say unspoken and decided on a small smile instead as Dallas stood. His nude body on full display. A delightful distracting treat for Greer.

“Do you mind if I get some coffee?”

“I’ll make it for you,” Greer offered. This man brought out his nurturing side of wanting to do for another.

Dallas gave him a smile and started for the bathroom. Any insecurity faded as he watched that ass until it disappeared through his bathroom door.

Chapter 24

Exhaustion coupled with a classroom full of ornery fifth graders couldn’t remove the constant smile from Dallas’s face. He’d had the patience of Job all day. Maybe being the best substitute teacher of anyone, anywhere. He happily watched the last of the students leave the classroom for lunch before he pivoted around and headed straight for the teacher’s office chair. He tugged his cell phone free from his back pocket before his ass hit the rolling seat. His thumbs flew over the small screen until he reached the text messages icon.

Twelve new messages. Four from Greer.

His grin widened as if Greer stood right in front of him. Man, the guy was a trip. A fall Dallas willingly took. He chose to open Greer’s message first before either Ducky’s or Donny’s. What did that say about Dallas’s business-mindedness? He didn’t care in the least.

Greer’s message began with, “I feel like I know you can’t open messages while working.”

The second followed about thirty minutes later. “I hope this isn’t bothering you. I’m in my office, thinking about you. I feel like I should tell you how much I miss you.”

The third came about forty-five minutes after that. “As a possible boyfriend, I’m finding I’m a needy guy. What are you doing right now? I’m working but still awfully distracted. Bright green eyes keep robbing me of my thoughts. Did I tell you I miss you?”

The fourth and final message read, “I was thinking dinner at your place tonight. I could bring pizza or something, enough for us all. I’ll keep my hands to myself. Ducky can think we’re working on my class leadership etiquette. Thoughts?”

Another message from Greer came as Dallas stared at the screen, rereading the words as if Greer’s deep, masculine voice spoke every word directly to him. “I know you’re at the gym until almost nine, but I spoke with Ducky today. I told him I’d like a run through of everything before I take my first class. Maybe I should have waited to hear from you. I’m not good at waiting.”

Dallas barked out a laugh. Seconds later, another of Greer’s texts came through. “If I’ve crossed a line, I’m sorry. It’s like I’m jonesing for my next hit and you’re my crack.”

The message in progress bubbles flashed at the bottom of the screen, and Dallas grinned happily as he waited for the next message. “I’ve never really done drugs. I’m guessing what that might feel like. Don’t worry.”

He laughed a hearty chuckle this time, picturing Greer walking and typing, explaining everything to a quiet office like he had this weekend when he spoke in detail about his home. Dallas let his thumbs fly, answering all the text messages in one of his own. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to come to my place tonight. Maybe I can stop by after I finish my shift at the gym, but I can’t stay long. I have a class at 10 tonight.”

Dallas pushed send and switched the screen to Ducky’s messages, who had a very distinct style of texting of his own. He wrote a single sentence in each message. Dallas had learned to read them all together to understand whatever his youngest brother wanted to say.

“Hey, everything’s running smooth here today.”

“The new trainer had his first class.”

“The numbers were good.”

“Not as good as you, but good.”

“Greer Lockhart wants to come over tonight to see how we do things and prep for his class.”

“I don’t know if it’s a good idea or not, but you can’t hardly tell him no.”

“Should I message Donny to come over?”

The good vibes spread. Dallas sat back in the seat and chuckled at Ducky’s accurate observation of Greer. The only thing he might change was to say that Greer was impossible to say no to. Dallas started to reply then decided to check Donny’s message first. Greer had already dinged him back. Dallas ignored it just to prove he could after spending the last six hours with Greer bouncing around the forefront of his mind.

Dallas stared down at Donny’s paragraph, appreciating his single message. “They found a warehouse and office space. 4,000 square feet off i-20. The lease is one year. I’m going to authorize. You should be here right now. You went missing this weekend and now this? What’s right, bro? You need to get over yourself and put our company first. You know you’re a nutcase and this is no time for your fucking head games. They’re why I stalled before getting involved to begin with. I’m sick and fucking tired of carrying the load. You don’t want to do your share, then fine. I’m cutting you out. Decision made.”

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