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Dallas by his side as his lover, his partner, and his best friend.

Domesticated bliss.


Children—probably several.

They would travel, build a loving home, and love one another for the rest of their lives.

He saw their destiny intertwined. Never breaking. For all eternity. Truly that was all he’d ever wanted. Pushing Dallas wasn’t the answer. Dallas had to want those same things.

“Open the door.”

Greer couldn’t be certain if the words were a manifestation of his greatest desire or Dallas’s actual voice instructing him to do exactly what he wanted to do.

His thundering heart sped up even more. He could accept the fact he was impatient and tended to want things that were completely out of his reach. In business, those qualities were always a plus. But, not so much in his personal relationships. He pushed, and pushed, and never stopped. A trait that annoyed everyone in his life. Yet, Dallas appeared to want him just the way he was.

With nerves vibrating with hopefulness, Greer flipped the deadbolt. The door popped open on its own. The final sign he needed. He hastily opened it the rest of the way. Dallas stood on the other side. And in that moment, his bare-chested trainer took his breath once again, just like he’d taken his heart.

Greer took a determined step toward Dallas, reaching for him, seeing everything he’d ever wanted from life and so much more reflected in those alluring eyes. His hands lifted of their own accord, cupping Dallas’s whiskered cheeks between his palms. He drew Dallas forward. With no hesitation, Greer pressed his mouth against those supple lips, drawing Dallas into a blistering kiss.

He drew Dallas flush against his chest. The moment became so much sweeter when Dallas enclosed both his strong arms around Greer, cradling him tightly against his hard, enticing body.

With the last shred of his willpower, Greer tore from the kiss, drawing back a few inches away from Dallas’s face. He searched for any kind of reservation. “I want you like this, but I also want you in my life every day. I can wait.”

“I want that too,” Dallas whispered, desperation lacing his tone. His mesmerizing gaze reflected something Greer had never seen before. Dallas’s soul was laid bare for him, inviting Greer in.

Their panting puffs of breath met and mingled as Dallas’s words settled in his heart. Greer had never heard better words spoken in his life. The fight to have this man was well worth the effort as Greer let his heart’s deepest wishes tumble from his lips. His voice was soft, assured, and filled with devotion.

“I love you, Dallas. It’s real for me. I know we belong together.”

Dallas’s eyes widened. Seconds felt like hours as Greer watched a range of emotion that he couldn’t quite decipher play across Dallas’s face. Dallas’s heart pounded against Greer’s chest, thumping frantically, each beat matching his own. Regret narrowed Dallas’s brow before something like resolve settled in, smoothing his features. His probing green gaze pinned Greer.

“I love you too. You’re the man of my dreams. Of course, I love you, but it won’t be easy for us.”

Greer’s heart burst wide open, rejoicing in such a sweetly muttered declaration. If there were any boundaries he’d managed to keep in place, they broke free, lassoing him to Dallas, binding them tighter together. Greer tilted his head, whispering as he leaned in for a kiss. “Easy’s for wimps.”

Chapter 30

Bed. They needed a bed right now.

Greer took small, measured steps backward while his hands shoved into the waistband of Dallas’s slacks, pushing them down as he devoured his love’s addictive mouth. How did every single one of their kisses get better and better?

He slid his tongue wantonly against Dallas’s as he grabbed the fleshy globes of Dallas’s perfect ass and walked him toward the bedroom. Dallas’s hips rolled, grinding his rigid arousal against Greer. Fuck, he liked that suggestive move. And the bedroom was so damn far away.

Something stopped their motion. He opened his eyes, spotting the oversized leather sofa, and immediately adjusted his plan. They could take a minute there, a small break per se, before continuing the long trek across the suite.

Dallas’s arms locked around Greer. His mouth tore from the kiss as his feet came out from underneath him. Greer barely had time to grip the back of the sofa and anchor a strong arm around Dallas’s back, holding most of his body weight as he settled Dallas onto the sofa with a small bounce. Dallas’s surprised gaze flew around the room, getting his bearings as to what had just happened as Greer wasted no time at tugging Dallas’s slacks off each leg. The pants went one direction while the tighty-whities went another.

“I didn’t see that coming,” Dallas whispered huskily as his cock sprang free, thick and hard as stone.

Greer tucked his lip between his teeth. His mouth watered as his single-minded focus set in. He hastily worked his belt and zipper free. “Scoot up and grip yourself for me.”

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