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The sweet words were said with wonderment. Not an ounce of trepidation or fear.

“You have a choice,” Dallas said, his insides growing warm with Greer’s sweet tone. He had already made peace with removing Donny and his parents from his life, but he wasn’t ready to step away from StreamTrainer or Ducky. Yet, nothing eclipsed his draw to Greer.

Dallas placed the now empty glass on the small table. Their future looked packed with pain, but he agreed. He had no other choice than to stick by Greer’s side. “What did Skye say about us?”

“She’s known about you and me since we danced together the night we met at the club.”

“Really?” That surprised him, and he became instantly conflicted. The old fears and reactions came too easy.

“Whatever just happened, you have to ignore it. Skye loves you. So does Ducky. So do I. We’ll work through the rest,” Greer said, coming chest to chest with him. Greer picked up Dallas’s arms and wrapped them around Greer’s waist until he participated, the lighthearted action had him smiling.

“I’m not sure I’m worth the trouble.”

“I’m positive you’re worth any bit of trouble. And you’ve given me plenty.” Greer’s commiserating playful head nod caused Dallas to laugh.

“Kailey’s your only real family?” Dallas asked.

“Pretty much. It’s not ugly. We’re all cordial when we see one another. It just is what it is.”

“I have to get right with losing my family,” Dallas said, tightening his hold.

Greer’s palms moved to Dallas’s chest. “I’ve always had chaos in my head. I stuttered as a child because I think so fast.” Greer’s fingertips tapped his temple. “You end the chaos. Everything slows to a manageable pace when you’re around.” Greer’s lips pressed against his ear. “We have three hours before we leave.” Now that tone was most definitely lust-infused, and Dallas perked up.

“I’m hard as stone. Your voice does it for me.” The moment took on an urgency. Not of unbridled lust, but of something deeper and binding. Dallas had told his truth, Greer knew everything there was to know, and he still wanted Dallas around.

Any space he might have been able to keep between his heart and Greer’s cinched closed. Dallas pushed at Greer’s slacks. His willingness to be with Greer outside for anyone watching to see spoke of how much he trusted Greer’s word. A feeling of liberation came over Dallas, solidifying his decision. It felt so damn good to be the man he always wanted to be.

“Your touch…” Greer started, releasing the hook and bar closure on his slacks, before lowering his zipper. Dallas’s hands snaked down, dragging the underwear down Greer’s thighs until they slid past Greer’s legs on their own.

Greer’s hands were all over him, claiming him with every touch. Greer undressed him, caressing as he went. In a bold move, Dallas took charge, shuffling Greer across the concrete balcony floor. Dallas’s slacks dropped lower to match Greer’s. His lover drew back and grabbed their cocks in his fist, squeezing them together. Fuck if that wasn’t becoming his favorite move and the only reason Dallas allowed any space between them as he kicked away his joggers and cupped Greer’s neck, bringing him in for a kiss.

They made it a few feet to the patio furniture. Dallas had planned on the outside sofa, but only got as far as the lounge chair when his lover’s arms circled his neck, clinging to him for balance. He liked the move so much he used all his strength to guide Greer down right there on the lounger. He followed, their bodies fitting together perfectly on the oversized cushions.

Greer ravished Dallas’s mouth as his blunt fingernails scorched a path down his back to grip his ass. Greer’s hips drove forward, grinding against his ready cock.

Nothing in the world mattered as much as this man beneath him. Nothing. Greer had given him everything. He was being consumed.

He inched his hand lower, his fingertips skimming over each of Greer’s stomach muscles until his fingers found what he searched for, and he gripped Greer’s hard, swollen cock. Greer tore from the kiss with a hiss, and Dallas watched his lover’s eyes close and his face etched in desire as Greer again thrust his hips forward, bucking into Dallas’s fisted hand.

“Fuck, I can’t get enough of you,” Greer panted. “You’re all I think about. Inside me, Dallas.”

The sweet declaration had Dallas rising, pulling free of Greer’s tight hold to reach for the lube and condoms he’d left on the small table nearby. He returned, this time more fully in control. He leaned down, gripping Greer’s cock in his hand and hovered his lips close to Greer’s. Greer lost no time in meeting Dallas’s waiting lips. His tongue kept time with his hand, stroking to a frenzied pace. Greer’s hot body quivered with need. Dallas loved being in control, guiding Greer to where he wanted him to be. He wrenched again from the kiss, Greer’s mouth chasing his.

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