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“Why’re you dressed that way?”

“I’ve taken some liberties,” Greer started, waggling his brows. His mister overstepping himself happened so regularly that Dallas was completely desensitized to the probable invasion to his life and nodded for Greer to continue. “I sent an email to your assistant to reschedule your day. I got us in for a marriage license.” Greer tilted his head, looking proud of himself. “Not to brag, but I pulled strings. We can marry today if you want. Lucky you.”

Greer’s sexy smirk and waggling brow drew a smile from Dallas. Excitement vibrated through him and his heart started a steady thump. “I am lucky. Are you serious?”

He gave Dallas that look that told him he wasn’t kidding. “I have the rings. Did you already find them?”

“You have wedding rings?” Dallas asked. Any lingering sleep faded. He sat up, pushing back against the headboard and rubbing his eyes. His fuzzy brain grappled with all these love-infused bombs Greer tossed around.

He’d meant every word when he’d said he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Greer. Clearly, Greer wanted that too.

“Yeah. I’m weird, I know. I bought the set in May because I wanted them on hand when the time came. You know I always knew you were the one,” Greer explained as if it was the most normal thing in the world. “They’re serviceable plain bands to get the job done. You can take your time to pick something else out that better suits you.”

“You’re always thoughtful.” Dallas gave Greer’s thigh a gentle squeeze.

He hoped he hid the surprise at how quickly Greer had put his plans into action. They’d only talked about getting married last night with no mention of today being their wedding day. He should have known once Greer got something in his head there would be no holding back.

“Should we invite our families?”

Maybe for the first time ever, Greer didn’t have a ready response. His honey blinked at him for several long seconds. He opened his mouth, closed it again and blinked. A mischievous twinkle hit Greer’s gaze as he grinned. “Do we really like anyone well enough to want them there?”

Greer had a point, but obligation and responsibility always needled at Dallas’s reasoning. “I think I should tell my family. Marriage is a big deal. We shouldn’t start our lives together with lies and secrets.”

“Babe, you’re being a downer. You feeling okay?” Greer brought his hand to Dallas’s forehead, testing to see if he might have a fever. “If you’ve changed your mind…”

“No, I haven’t.” Dallas laughed, moving out from under Greer’s teasing touch. He rolled out of bed from the other side. “I thought about this a lot last night. I should at least tell my family, even invite them. I was wondering about having a small ceremony here. Invite our families. If they don’t come, then that’s on them.”

“Okay. So, something small here this weekend then?” Greer asked, not really requiring an answer. He was in thought mode. As Dallas started toward the bathroom, Greer followed without giving any of his normal morning gropes or pats. He must really be caught up in thought. “I’ll agree to the day change if I don’t have to invite my family. Just Kailey because no one wants my parents here. And if we can still have honeymoon sex tonight.”

“I think we always have honeymoon sex. You don’t have to worry about that,” Dallas said, reaching for the shower faucet.

“Good answer.” Greer stayed close, but far enough away to keep from getting the spray of water on him. “I don’t know how comfortable I am with you approaching your family. That seems very dark and unsure to me.”

“I’m stronger now,” Dallas said, stepping into the warm water. “They can get on board or not, but the holidays are coming. I want to spend that time with you. If we’re to the point of getting married, I can’t continue to lead a double life. That’s not fair to you. And what happens when we have children?”

Greer studied the tiles at Dallas’s feet unable to hide his concern until Dallas mentioned children. His gaze jerked up with a beaming grin. “All right. I agree to your terms.”

Dallas chuckled at the way Greer thought about everything. They were always negotiating. He reached for the shampoo, listening to Greer think and talk, setting his new plan.

“Marriage license today. I’ll get Kailey on a quick midday wedding here this weekend. And you’re going to promise me you won’t go emotionally low if your parents refuse to come.”

“Because I’m the headcase?” Dallas teased halfheartedly, before ducking his head in the water to rinse away the soap.

When he came out from under the spray, Greer was closer and in his line of vision. “Don’t go there, even joking. I want to bury your brother for the way he treats you.” Greer’s full lips pressed into a straight line, showing his sincere aggravation. “Get dressed and let’s go get our marriage license. I’ll wait in the living room because I really want to take care of that.” Greer pointed to his plump cock, his body’s natural reaction to Greer being within ten feet.

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