Breakaway - Page 132

Dallas ducked his head, sucking some water into his mouth to squirt at Greer who anticipated the move and quickly hopped out of his way.

“I’ll be out in a few minutes.”


Greer swore he heard a pop of bubblegum on the other end of the line before his sister started to speak again. She worked best while chomping on gum. Right now, she was creating miracles. It might be a two pieces of gum kind of afternoon.

“Mac’s handling the food and drink. He also knows a baker who’s going to do a rush two-tier wedding cake in wedding cake flavor. I know you like that, Greer. I hope Dallas does too.”

His gaze lifted to Dallas who reached for a can of water in the refrigerator. “Do you like wedding cake flavor?”

Greer had been dealing with an internal struggle over how hard he was pushing Dallas, but the sweet, doe-eyed look his mister gave him, with their marriage license lying in the center of the island between them, filled Greer with the warmth and reassurance that only Dallas could give him.

“Is that a flavor?” Dallas asked before taking a long drink.

“What flavor of wedding cake do you want?” he countered.

“I don’t care at all.”

“I’m going to say wedding cake flavor is fine,” Greer said to Kailey.

“I’ve planned for me, Beau, and Olivia, Evan and Skye, Mac and his wife, and Ducky. If Marisol isn’t running the restaurant, she’s invited. If Ducky has a plus one, that’s fine too.” Kailey lowered her voice as if Dallas might hear. “Should I plan for the rest of Dallas’s family to attend?”

Despite everything Dallas had said, Greer wasn’t a hundred percent sure Dallas could hold strong against his hateful family. He could see a struggle coming for them. Before he considered Dallas’s parents, they had Donny to contend with. If the brothers’ relationship went any further south, Greer would have no choice but to become involved on behalf of the investors. Of course, he’d always side with Dallas, putting Donny on the losing side.

“I guess it won’t hurt, but unlikely.”

“Okay. Want me to tell mom and dad?”

Kailey knew how to ask all the suck-ass questions. Of course, he didn’t want his parents there. He would rather Dallas be legally bound to him first, so he didn’t go running away when he finally met them. “I’ll send them an email on Sunday.”

“All right, big brother. I just received an email. The justice of the peace confirmed he’ll be there at ten forty-five Saturday morning. The dry cleaner will be by your house in the morning. Leave your suits at the door to be cleaned. I’m supposing Dallas has something to wear. Your credit card’s been in overdrive in the men’s department. I’m guessing all that was for Dallas, right?”

“Yup.” His eyes remained on Dallas. Greer had styled Dallas as if he were his very own Ken doll. Luckily, Dallas seemed receptive to the idea and appreciative of Greer’s efforts. “Let’s get Ducky into Nieman’s for a fitting.”

Dallas gave him a thumbs up at the idea and said, “I’ll call him this afternoon and tell him to call Kailey. He likes the way your clothes fit. He talks about it all the time.”

“I heard Dallas. I’ll let them know about Ducky. I’ve also arranged for boutonnieres and two large bouquets on pedestals. If the weather holds, I see this happening by the swimming pool because Dallas loves that part of the house. I wanted to have a backdrop of someplace pretty for the pictures. I’ve got to call the photographer back, and I’ll be there early to guide everyone. Beau promises to be on time with Olivia. We’ll see.”

“Thank you for all you’re doing.” Greer did appreciate the seriousness with which Kailey made sure they had a special, simple day as Dallas had requested.

“Thank you, Kailey,” Dallas called out. His mister hadn’t heard a word of what she planned, but his appreciation came from a lifetime of gratitude. Greer was working hard to be that same man.

“You two have a good day. I love you both.” Kailey disconnected the call as Dallas came toward him.

Greer put the phone on the island and turned on the barstool as Dallas slid between his parted thighs, letting Dallas know his fate. “You have seventy-two hours to change your mind.”

Dallas’s endearing gaze had Greer’s inside doing a little flip. His man. How did he ever get so lucky?

“There’s not a chance I’ll change my mind,” Dallas countered with a hint of a challenge, as if there even was one. Greer lifted as he started off the stool. Dallas leaned in. Their lips met and lingered. Where Greer may have wanted this kiss to lead to the bedroom, Dallas kept it short and pulled away.

“We need to move the furniture around. Have you checked the weather? Can we have the wedding outside Saturday morning?” Dallas pulled his own cell phone from his pocket, most likely checking the weather himself as he turned away and started outside. Greer’s ass hit the barstool again, watching Dallas go. Boy, he loved that ass bounce.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024