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Adrian's Vengeance (Mafia Heirs 1)

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Bruno Bernardi is sick.

And there's no fucking way in hell I'm going to help him. The bastard deserves to die for what he did to my family. All sins must be paid for in blood—and Bernardi is paying for his already.



I need to get away from Marzia Da Costa. Being near her is making me fucking insane.

After we slept together, I snuck out of her bedroom in the early morning, knowing I wouldn't be able to resist her if I stay behind. Still, guilt threatens to consume me as I walk down the empty hallways of the Estate. I'm not only running from Marzia, I'm running from what we could be together, and it's fucking painful as hell to leave her behind.

Still, my father's words are playing in my head, reminding me Marzia isn't the one I'll end up with. I've already fucked up by not telling her about my bride-to-be, Nicoletta. I need to get my head fucking straight. I need to go to the Carlucci Villa again.

My driver loads up some of my luggage and I stare out of the window silently as we drive away from my father's estate. It feels fucking painful leaving her behind, as if I'm being separated from my own being. I grit my teeth together, my nails digging into the palms of my hands. I don't want to leave Marzia. I don't want Nicoletta. But I need to follow my father's wishes.

The car pulls up in front of the Carlucci home hours later. They aren't expecting me, and I have no idea whether they'll even let me in.

A flabbergasted maid leads me through the tacky, opulent house to Gustavo's office.

He calls for me to enter the room. "Bernardi!" He stands up, buttoning his jacket and regarding me with curiosity. "Couldn't stay away any longer, could you?"

"I... Yes, well." I avoid answering his question. I'm sure my father-in-law-to-be wouldn't appreciate knowing I'm running away from the girl I just fucked, months before my wedding with his daughter. "I hope it's okay I came."

"Okay? More than okay." Gustavo laughs heartily, rounding his desk to clap me on the back. "I take it you missed my daughter, then."

I can't even fucking come up with an answer. Instead, I manage a smile as he invites me to sit down at his desk. "How are things with my brother?" I ask. "Has he been watching out for Nicoletta?"

"Of course, he's taking his job very seriously." Gustavo nods. "Neither of us have anything to worry about while Ryder is here, I'm certain of that."

"Good. I won't be staying long, just a few nights."

"I'll have the maids prepare a room for you," Gustavo says. "You will see Nicoletta at dinner, of course, but I will also arrange some private time for the two of you together."


He winks at me. "I know how much you two lovebirds must be craving some privacy."

I don't answer, knowing if I speak up, I'll betray my true feelings. I don't care about Nicoletta. All I care about is doing what father wants and staying away from Marzia while figuring out how to save her life and end up with her at the same time...

After I leave Gustavo's office, I head to the room they've set up for me to stay in. Taking a long shower, I wash off my sins from the previous night. My mind is filled with images of Marzia and I struggle to think of anything or anyone else. She has well and truly fucked with my head to the point where I can't even bring myself to think of Nicoletta—even though I'm scheduled to meet her in the Carlucci gardens in just an hour.

I get ready for my day, wondering why I haven't run into Ryder yet. Then, I set off for the gardens.

Nicoletta is late, and when she comes strolling into the rose garden, she looks a little disheveled. Still, there's no denying the fact the girl is fucking stunning. Still, I feel nothing. My heart doesn't race, my cock doesn't harden, and my mind doesn't shift away from Marzia. I groan inwardly, greeting Nicoletta with a tense smile as I say, "Good to see you again."

"Yes." She nods daintily. "It's a wonderful surprise."

We stand there staring at one another in uncomfortable silence. Finally, I point to the gardens. "Shall we take a walk?"

"Of course."

We walk through the gardens after I offer her my arm. It's shocking Gustavo's letting me be alone with the girl, but I guess he trusts me—to his own detriment. He shouldn't fucking leave me alone with his daughter. Had there been no Marzia, I'd be pulling down Nicoletta's panties already.

"Have you been enjoying the wedding preparations?" I ask as we walk. “Have you had a lot to do?”

"Nothing big yet," she admits. "Papa wanted to wait for confirmation from your father."

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