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Slamming Demon (Pounding Hearts 2)

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“Is that all you want?” he asks with a grin. “I’ve got a ring for you too.”

“You do?” I ask like a dumbass. I completely forgot about it.

Brett nods and unwraps is arm from around me, bringing the black ring box back into view. “Is it big enough? Do you like it?”

I can’t help but start laughing as I look up from the ring to look at him. He scowls and I have to quickly explain. “I’m sorry. I never thought I’d hear that question from you.”

I reach out and carefully pluck the ring from the box. Brett immediately tosses the box to the side and takes the ring from me, slipping it over my finger. It’s a perfect fit.

“It’s gigantic, Brett,” I say in awe as I wiggle my finger and watch the diamond glitter beneath the fairy lights. The rock has to be at least three carats.

“I know you told me to surprise you, but if you don’t like it we can get something different.”

“It’s perfect,” I tell him and start kissing him. “Thank you.”

Once I start kissing Brett, I don’t want to stop. I’m so happy, so in love with him, just so fucking over the moon, I push the kiss deeper and deeper.

I get to kiss him for the rest of my life. He wants to spend the rest of his life with me.

“Mandy,” Brett growls, tensing up and breaking the kiss as I try to use my weight to push him back. “What are you doing?”

I push at his shoulders, urging him to bend but still he resists. I lick my lips and explain, “I want to show you how much I love you.”

Brett relaxes as he gets my meaning. His mouth curves into a slow grin and he leans back until he’s flat on the blanket and I’m left straddling his waist. Reaching around my hips, he grabs up two big handfuls of my ass. Thrusting his groin up, I can feel he’s already growing hard for me.

I groan, rocking on top of him, and he says, “Show me.”

Reaching down, I begin unbuttoning his shirt one button at a time. As the shirt spreads, I bend down and kiss each inch of revealed chest. My fingers must not be working fast enough for him though because he growls impatiently.

“Hey, it’s not my fault you wanted to dress up nice,” I tell him as I flick open the buttons, working my way down his body.

His fingers dig into the flesh of my cheeks and then suddenly I’m rolling.

“Hey!” I cry out as I end up flat on my back with him now hovering over me. “What are you doing?”

Brett grins down wickedly. “I have the sudden urge to take a trip down memory lane.”

“Oh no,” I say and shake my head while trying to push him back up. “This is about me showing you how much I love you.”

“Don’t bother arguing with me, baby,” he tells me and grabs my wrists, trapping them easily with his hand and pinning them against my body. “You had your turn and you took too long. Now it’s mine.”

“Brett,” I whine. “It’s not fair. I wanted to have my way.”

“I’ll never play fair when it comes to you,” Brett says gruffly. Putting his weight on his knees, he pushes up and yanks up my skirt. “Fuck, where are your panties?” he groans as his eyes lock on and devour me.

I squirm beneath the warmth of his hungry gaze, feeling utterly exposed.

Licking his lips, I know for a fucking fact he means to eat me. “I’m kind of running low on panties right now. Somehow they keep disappearing.”

“I wonder where they’re going…” he murmurs and bends down, covering my pussy with his mouth.

“Fuck!” I cry out, bucking my hips up as he pulls back a hard suckle.

I feel him growling, my lips vibrating as he uses his shoulder to keep me spread open, wide.

His tongue furiously attacks me while his fingers pinch into my wrists, keeping me restrained.

I struggle against the intense pleasure, body writhing against the blanket as he works me over with his mouth. Lapping, swiping and pressing against my folds, there’s nothing his tongue doesn’t do to me. He eats me out as if he’s a dying man and I’m his last meal on earth. He flicks the tip against my hard little clit then drags it down to dip into the opening of my clenching sex.

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