Bucking Bear (Pounding Hearts 3) - Page 58

Dale has decided in the last couple of weeks that since Chase has retired he needs a brand new fucking project.

Lucky me.


Let me throw a fucking parade.

My body is shaking with achy muscles and drained stamina. The man is the fucking devil, I swear to it.

I hear a groan coming from somewhere at my side. I can’t see who since I am way too tired to move my head but I am pretty sure it’s Chase.

“Is he ever nice?” I moan out as I try to sit up. My abs are refusing to work it seems.

Motion beside me tells me Chase is trying as well. “This is him being nice. This is his more gentle side.”

“Fuck me.”

“Yep,” he agrees.

Dale is evil. Like I swear each and every muscle of mine he works into miserable pain gets him off. He acts as if it is a personal attack if I don’t break down and cry every couple hours.

I haven’t cried yet, but I know I have thought about it.

Thursday, for an hour, was the only time I saw him actually be nice. Grace and Hope showed up to watch us work out. The fucking bastard was all smiles and gentleness with them. But every time they weren’t paying attention, he would look at me and I swear he was giving me the stink eye. Fucker is crazy.

That was kinda cool though that my girls showed up like that. I really liked it. Hope was so excited to see me she ran right into the ring where I was working with Brett on speeding up my kicks. She yelled at Brett for hitting me then gave me this giant bear hug.

Kid is awesome.