Wicked Torture (Stark World 3) - Page 56

"You're a lawyer?"

"Entertainment," she says. "I'm Evie. I represent Griff, and since I was in town, he invited me. Well, my firm represents him. Bender, Twain & McGuire."

I shake my head, clueless.

"We're mostly in LA, but I met Griffin through Lyle Tarpin--who we also represent. And so I've started bouncing back and forth between LA and Texas." She shakes her head. "Sorry. When I drink, I ramble. And I

've been drinking since I got here. It's shaping up to be a very long weekend."

I laugh, deciding that I like this woman.

"Do you know Lyle?" she asks. "Turns out a lot of the guests do. I'm almost surprised he didn't come here for the party."

"I only know his movies."

"He's a nice guy. Surprisingly down to earth. Some stars aren't, believe me. But we've become friendly, and I genuinely like his girlfriend. In fact, Lyle's the one who set me up with this guy I saw here earlier--Noah Carter. I should probably find him again and say hi." She shrugs. "Then again, I got the feeling he does the blind date thing a lot, so he probably doesn't care if I acknowledge him or not."

An unpleasant chill creeps up my spine. "You went out with Noah?"

"Blind date," she clarifies. Then she tilts her head as she studies my face. "Oh, hell," she says. "I saw you with him earlier, didn't I?"

"Yup. To be honest, he didn't mention you to me at all. Are you guys--I mean, have you . . ."

I have no idea what I want to ask, but fortunately Evie steps in to save me. "Oh, no, no. Just drinks. Nothing happened. In fact, he's the one who turned me down."

I glance over her, this extremely pretty, very well put together blonde. Honestly, I find that hard to believe.

"Truly," she says. "I was a little ticked off. I don't get snubbed that often."

I believe her.

But I'm still jealous. And for every Evie where nothing happened, how many women were there that he did sleep with?

It's a few minutes before I find Noah, and when I do, he's with Wyatt in the living room looking at some portraits of Griff and Kelsey that Wyatt shot for the two of them.

"There you are," Noah says, his expression brightening as I approach.

"Can we talk?" Neither my voice nor my expression is bright.

He glances to Wyatt, who moves a hand in what must be Guy Code for she's your problem, not mine.

"What's up?" Noah asks as he leads me back to the kitchen, which is empty at the moment, most of the alcohol having been moved to a table in the yard.

"I met Evie. She seems nice."

"The lawyer," he says. "She was." His brow furrows. "So?"

"I got the impression she was one in a string."

He'd been reaching for a plate of cheese and salami, but stops, his hand extended, as he looks at me. "Are you standing here--right now--and telling me that who I date--who I sleep with--is any of your business?"

His voice is gentle, but the words hit me with the force of a brick.

"Oh." It's the only word I can manage, and I realize that it's not him the spotlight is on, but me.

I draw a breath, gathering my courage. "Yes," I say firmly. "I am."

At first, I see no reaction. Then there's a flicker in his eyes. A spark of pleasure, happiness. Maybe heat. I'm not sure.

Tags: J. Kenner Stark World Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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