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Sold To The Sheik

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Suddenly, the diaphanous, thin covering was preferable to his alternative. I clutched at my breasts, trying to cover them from his greedy stare, but it was pointless. His stare seemed powerful enough to burn through the cloth with ease. I felt stripped bare already. A slow, warm trickle spread between my legs, horrifying me. I clenched my knees together, but the squeezing only intensified the low pulsing that refused to stop. I glared at him, hating that somehow he’d made my body react this way when I plainly hated him and everything he stood for.

When I remained silent but curled in a tight ball, he said in a measured tone that sent a warning shiver down my spine. “However,” he paused, regarding me with a calculated stare as if working out a math problem in his head. “In the past I have been known to brand unruly pets. It’s painful and not my preferred method but you will find I am a firm Master and one not to be trifled with. I will give you the choice. Brand or collar?”

I caught the worried stares of the girls as they awaited my answer. Their concern for me dulled the razor’s edge of reckless abandonment taking control of my mouth and I answered in a barely audible whisper, “Collar.”

He smiled, pleased. “I look forward to seeing you in nothing but jewels, my lovely girl. And tonight…” his eyes seemed to darken even further until I was certain he was a demon and not simply a depraved man with more money than God as he said, “I will pluck the cherry I paid good money to take.”

I bit my lip to keep it from trembling.

“Take her,” he directed and the big servant pulled me none too gently from the bed. I kicked and thrashed but ultimately, it did little to stop or deter him. I felt like a rag doll being dragged by a gorilla. I sent one last pleading look at the girls before the door shut behind me.

Seconds later, the sound of high-pitched giggles and breathy sighs followed me as I was pulled down the long hallway.

Night had fallen on the foreign land and all around me strange sounds reminded me that I was far from home. The scent of jasmine teased my nose as it drifted from the gardens below and although it was a pleasant smell, nothing could rouse me from my current state of mind.

My fingers plucked at the hateful circlet of jewels scraping against my neck as the cool breeze danced across my exposed skin. Omar was as good as his word; I’d been fitted for my collar and then stripped before returning me to this room alone. I’d thought to wrap myself in a silken sheet but my move had been anticipated and every shred of free cloth had been removed. The room was starkly bare aside from the massive bed and the heavy ornate furnishings. I shivered but not because of a chill. The wild beat of my heart kept time with the rush of adrenalin that tingled in my limbs when I dared to think of wha

t was to come and my breath caught in my throat when I jumped at each foreign noise in the gathering darkness.

It seemed a lifetime ago that I’d been a headstrong, confident young woman on the brink of what I’d thought was going to be a grand adventure. A sob felt trapped in my chest when I let my thoughts wander too closely to the edge of what had been. Would I never return home? Were my parents frantic with worry? I couldn’t stand the thought of my loved ones in pain. Tears glistened on my cheek but I didn’t bother wiping them away. If he wanted my virginity, then he could have my tears as well. It was a package deal.

“You are breathtaking.”

I startled at his soft voice at my back. I didn’t turn around, but focused my stare out the wide window, wishing I were a bird so I could fly away. I was beyond the point of trying to hide my nakedness; it’d been hours since I’d been collared and stripped, another way he sought to drive home the point that I was his possession.

I heard his footfall as his moved closer. The slither of his silken pants echoed in my mind and I found it hard to breathe.

“Your silhouette in the moonlight is something out of a dream. Your body was created by Allah for me alone,” he murmured, trailing his fingers lightly down the column of my spine until he reached where my tailbone met my lower back. I fought the shudder that traveled from my toes to the top of my head. I closed my eyes, hating the seductive nature of his voice and touch; I would rather he simply play true to what he really was, rather than attempt seduction. He exclaimed softly at the softness of my skin and even dared to slide one finger gently between the crack of my two halves. I stiffened and he chuckled. “Do not fret, my sweet. Your rosebud is not what I require this night.” Before I could relax, he stepped closer to whisper in my ear, “But I will have it. There is nothing I enjoy more than the first time in a virgin’s ass; the way the flesh clenches tightly around the cock in protest but then slowly yields to the assault to open like the lotus is the ultimate carnal dance…and I will take that dance with you, my pet. That’s a promise.” He stepped away, his voice suddenly sharp. “Turn around so that I may look upon your breasts.”

I squeezed my eyes tighter, wishing I was anywhere but here; wishing I were back in my country studying something excruciatingly dull such as trigonometry; but mostly, desperately wishing his voice at my ear hadn’t caused my private parts to slick with warm moisture. Against my will, I turned slowly but I refused to meet his gaze. I stared at a point just beyond his shoulder. He may touch my body but he would not have me.

His sharp inhale surprised me and I raised startled eyes to his in spite of my previous vow to let nothing of him touch me inside. He came forward, his hands cupping my breasts and filling his hands with the weighty flesh. “Exquisite,” he murmured with open joy. “Such creamy skin without a single blemish.”

I couldn’t stand his open assessment of my body nor the possessive feel of his hands touching me with such pleasure and quickly raised my hands to cover my breasts but I was stopped by a single, sharp word uttered in warning.


I bit back a cry of helplessness and clenched my hands at my side. He saw my rigid stance and took a step away. “You will yield to me,” he stated matter-of-fact. “You would save yourself much pain and suffering if you would yield sweetly rather than my forcing your submission.”

“I’m not like your other girls. I will never yield willingly.”

“I know you are not like my other pets. I did not want more of the same.” He walked away, crooking his finger at me to follow. When I hesitated, he stopped and growled a warning. “I can make this evening unpleasant or pleasurable…which shall it be?”

I wavered, unsure how he thought I would ever enjoy anything he could do to me, but I didn’t want to test how unpleasant he could make things so I grudgingly followed. The collar felt as if it were weighing me down, crushing my soul, which was exactly what he’d wanted when he’d forced me to wear the awful thing, the foreign bastard. “I will hate anything you do to me,” I said, unwilling to let him believe I would ever be a docile pet.

“We shall see,” he said cryptically as he went to the chaise lounge and sank into it. The way he sprawled across the chaise was frankly suggestive and even in the soft light I could see the outline of his enormous erection. I blushed and looked away but not before he caught where my stare had drifted. He loosened the drawstrings to his silken pants and before I could gasp a protest, his cock was in his palm.

“Oh God,” I squeaked, covering my face with my hands. “Put it away, please!”

“Come. Kneel beside me, pet,” he directed firmly, expecting my obedience. When I refused, he rose swiftly and buried his hand in my hair, forcing me to my knees. I cried out as his pants dropped to the floor and his engorged member slapped my cheek. The warm head was smooth and as silky as the pants he’d just discarded. He was devoid of hair, smooth as granite everywhere. “A gentle hand is doing you no favors,” he observed, his hand still painfully clutched tight against my scalp, causing fresh tears to spring to my eyes. He thrust his hips and his cock nudged at my mouth even as I seamed my lips shut. He smelled of clean, male skin yet the faint musky odor that clung to the soft, tender area between his thighs did strange things to my insides. “You are mine. Do you hear me? Take my cock in your mouth. Now.” When I staged a mute protest, glaring at him through a sheen of tears, he pulled harder against my scalp and I yelped. “I am your Master. You will live and breathe for my pleasure. Now, take my cock and suck it or I will introduce you to punishment without the benefit of pleasure. I promise you I can make you beg for mercy and wish you were dead.”

“I hate you,” I whispered.

His gaze hardened. “Then it will not matter if I take you like a whore your first time.” He thrust me away from him and I stumbled onto my rear. He didn’t watch to see where I landed. Instead he strode to a tall cabinet and pulled it open. “American girls are spoiled by an overdeveloped sense of self, but the irony is that most never truly discover their true identities until it is forced upon them by circumstance.” He closed the cabinet and turned around, holding a wicked looking whip and restraints.

“Noooo,” I shrieked, scrambling to my feet but he was faster than me. Within seconds, my hands were wrenched behind my back and tied tightly. He scooped me into his arms even though I kicked and thrashed in an attempt to get away. “Please, no!” I begged, gulping back frightened mewling noises rising in the back of my throat.

He ignored my pleas and tossed me to the bed. I landed on my stomach with an oompfh but before I could roll to my back, he was straddling me. His cock nudged at my back door and I shrieked against the fear he might sodomize me as punishment. “Shhh,” he crooned softly. “You want this my pet. You just don’t know it yet.”

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