Those Sweet Words (Misfit Inn 2) - Page 20

In response, she twisted in his grip to bring their hands between them, urging him inside her panties.

“Does that feel like I want to wait?”

He cupped her, drawing a finger through her wetness, until she dropped her head back on a curse that had his erection straining.

“God, it feels so good to be touched.”

“We’re only just getting started, love.” Flynn brought her mouth back to his, as she began to move against his palm. It only took him moments to match her rhythm, adding a pressure that made her whimper. As tension began to coil through her again, he urged her higher, sliding in one finger, then two. “That’s it, darlin’, take your pleasure.”

When she shattered on a scream, it was one of the most beautiful sounds he’d ever heard.

Pru clung to him, trembling. He kissed her gently, easing her back down from the crest, as he tipped her back onto the bed. She watched him from hooded eyes, while he shucked the rest of this clothes and climbed in after her. He moved up her body with long, lazy strokes of his hands, his tongue.

“Flynn?” Her voice held a little gasp as he nibbled at the sensitive flesh of her inner thigh.


“That feels amazing.”

He smiled against her skin. “Good.”

“But if you don’t hurry up and get inside me, I may have to kill you.”

Flynn rested his chin on her hip and stared up the length of her body. “Is that the way of it then?”

“That is definitely the way of it.”

“Well, then, as I value my life…” He leaned over to grab a condom from the bedside table, hurriedly protecting them both before settling in the cradle of her thighs. He searched her face. “All right?”

She reared up, hooking an arm around his shoulders and pressing her mouth to his. “Yes. Hurry.”

Planting his arms on either side of her shoulders, he began the careful slide into her, watching those gorgeous eyes blur as he filled her. Her hands clamped on his shoulders and her legs tightened, her heels digging into his ass and pulling him flush with her body. She was tight and wet and so damned hot, he thought he’d lose his mind as he held still, giving her a chance to adjust.

She wriggled her hips, and he slid a little deeper. “Oh God, more. I need more.”

Taking her mouth, he began to move, listening to her whimpers and moans, learning to play her body like a new instrument. And what an instrument. She matched his rhythm, shifting the angle of her hips to take him deeper, and he felt his control begin to fray.

She opened her eyes, cheeks and lips flushed with pleasure, and he thought she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. He said as

much, the words tumbling out in Irish, as he continued to move, to send her higher. She reached up, framing his face in her hands, and said his name. Just his name. And he felt something beyond arousal, beyond pleasure. A sense of homecoming he hadn’t anticipated. It pulled at him, stealing his breath. Then she shattered, and the pulse of her release shot him over the edge, scattering his thoughts.

Flynn came back to himself listening to gradual slowing of Pru’s breath. There was a comfort to the sound and to the feel of her in his arms. A peace he’d never felt with another lover. It was new and tantalizing, a drug he knew he’d be craving again, before he he’d even forgotten the taste of her.

“I think I have to have this bed bronzed or something, so I can remember this moment after you leave.” She sounded happy and sated, exactly as he’d planned.

Flynn drew lazy patterns on her shoulders. “I want to keep my existing reservation.” The words popped out before he could think better of them, but he didn’t want to pull them back.

Pru went very still before propping herself up to meet his eyes. “That’s two more weeks.”

Two more weeks, while Kennedy and Xander would be abroad. Two more weeks he could romance her as she deserved. “You said this was the last chance you had to take something for yourself. Why should you stop with one day?”

“Why would you do that?”

Flynn pulled her close again, brushed his lips over hers. “Because once would never be enough.”

She hummed and stretched against him like a cat. “But what will you do? I mean, you have to work, don’t you?”

“I will work. When I’m not actively performing, I write my own music. It’s been some time since I’ve slowed down long enough for that. And, music aside, I’d like to help you with the inn.”

Tags: Kait Nolan Misfit Inn Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024