Those Sweet Words (Misfit Inn 2) - Page 33

“You do have a romantic streak,” Flynn observed.

Ari just grinned. “Takes one to know one, boy-o.”


Given the mobile nature of Flynn’s lifestyle, he hadn’t attended church services with any particular regularity since he’d left home. It had been more of the occasional yen than a priority. But Sunday morning found him settling into a pew of the First United Methodist Church of Eden’s Ridge. Pru sat beside him, with Ari on her other side. They garnered a few curious looks from other attendees. No doubt, they were wondering who exactly he was. Flynn offered up a polite smile and nod as he took Pru’s hand in his and turned his attention to Reverend Hodgson, who’d officiated Kennedy and Xander’s wedding.

“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.”

The congregation replied, “And also with you.”

As the service rolled on, Flynn stood when the others stood, sang when the others sang, sat when they sat. But the content barely registered. He was too busy mulling over the situation they were in. Thinking about the implications of what he’d agreed to. He was the one who’d started this, and now the three of them were caught up in a monumental lie. He was grateful this wasn’t a Catholic church because he was feeling the need to confess. How many Hail Marys and Our Fathers would it take to make up for this? More, probably, than he could say in a lifetime. Father Doyle, the priest fr

om his childhood parish, would skin him alive. But Flynn had made Pru a promise, and he intended to keep it.

Exhaustion dragged at him. He and Pru had been up half the night going through an intensive Get To Know You session, filling in the gaps and small details in their knowledge of each other. The more he learned, the more fascinated he became. She had so much heart, and it floored him how much she gave of herself. Family came first for her, always. Except for the decision to get involved with him.

And look where that got her.

She was trusting him. Trusting that he’d follow through on the promise he’d made. But Flynn knew, deep down, she didn’t really believe he’d stay. She’d had their end in mind from the beginning. And why shouldn’t she? He had nearly half a lifetime that painted him as the gypsy she believed him to be. That image had never bothered him before her. He wanted to be more for her. He wanted to be more with her. But a woman like that would believe actions instead of words.

Flynn looked down at the hand he held, seeing the naked ring finger. He’d do right by her. He’d do right by her and Ari both.

At the end of the service, they joined the line of people exiting the church. As they reached Reverend Hodgson, he took Flynn’s hand in a warm shake. “Mr. Bohannon. I didn’t expect to see you still here. Enjoying the hospitality of our little town?”

“I am.” Flynn resisted the urge to look at Pru. “Actually, I wondered if you could use me for some music next Sunday.”

“An offertory? That’d be splendid! You played so well at the wedding.”

“I’ll be in touch in a day or so about what you’d like me to play.” Maybe it would count for a Hail Mary or two.

“Sounds great! And Pru, how are things at the inn with your sister off on her honeymoon?”

“Oh, they’re going fine. Ari’s been a great help.” Pru wrapped an arm around the girl’s shoulders. “Flynn, too.”

“Good to hear. Good to hear.”

Sensing Pru’s discomfort, Flynn pressed a hand to the small of her back, and they began to edge away.

“See you next week!” Ari called.

No one spoke until they were buckled into Pru’s car and driving away from the church.

“Well, no one knows anything yet or we’d have heard about it.” Pru loosed a sigh. “I half expected to burst into flames as we stepped into the sanctuary.”

And wasn’t that a cheerful thought.

Ari leaned forward from the back seat. “You realize you’re going to have to get over the anxiety of telling people, right?”

“There’s too much at stake for me not to be anxious.”

“So give them a reason for the anxiety,” he said. “It’s been a long-standing, secret relationship, and you don’t think your sisters will approve.”

Her gaze flicked to him. “Long-standing or not, no I don’t think they will approve, so that’s at least a little bit of truth to hang on to.”

The truth shouldn’t have stung. He’d known going into this that Kennedy would be pissed if he got involved with Pru. He’d made his peace with that. But he couldn’t stand the idea that Pru regretted what was between them. This time with her had been some of the best of his life. He wouldn’t change a minute of it—except for coming down those stairs. He had a feeling she might be wishing she could rewind back to the night of the wedding and run the other way. Given the risks to her family, to Ari, Flynn couldn’t blame her. His only alternative was to do everything in his power to make sure she didn’t regret taking a chance on him.

Back at the house, they split up to go change out of church clothes. Flynn caught Ari on the second floor. “Hey, I need your help with something.”

Tags: Kait Nolan Misfit Inn Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024