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Letting Go (Thatch 1)

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August 29, 2014

JAGGER WALKED ME out to my car later that afternoon, and just before I opened the door, I turned and wrapped my arms around him—pressing my face against his chest. It had been a long day with the cars and police, calling a security company to set up an appointment for someone to come out, and sitting around on the floor of the kitchen as we snacked on food and went over everyone we could think of in Thatch who would and could do what this person had been doing to us.

The list hadn’t been long.

And even though I knew I needed to go back to my parents’ house to get ready to go to work, the last thing I wanted to do was leave Jagger at that moment. Part of it was because I was worried about what someone could do, and being away from Jagger would have my mind constantly going in that direction. But it was also because I knew when I went to sleep tonight, it wouldn’t be in his arms.

“You’re going to be fine,” he mumbled against the top of my head. “If anything happens, I’ll be there in a second, okay?”

“I know you will.” I reluctantly unwrapped my arms from his waist and turned to open the driver’s door. Jagger’s voice stopped me from closing it once I’d gotten in.



Jagger stood there looking unsure for a few moments, then he gripped the top of my car and leaned in so his face was inches from mine. “What if you didn’t go to your parents’ tonight?”

“Whoever’s doing this to us already knows where my parents live. They know where I am, they know my car. No matter where I sleep, if they want to do something, they’ll find a way to do it wherever I am.”

“No, uh . . .” He trailed off, and looked away from me again. “I meant what if you come here, and stay here.” Just as I started to tell him that I had been staying there, he cut me off. “You’ve been sleeping here most nights anyway, why don’t you just stay? Grab whatever you need from your parents’ house and come stay here with me.”

I tried unsuccessfully to bite back a smile, and acted

like I was considering what he’d asked me. “You know, it only takes a few minutes to get to my parents’, if something happens I’ll be able to hang on for the amount of time it’ll take you to get to me,” I teased, and his green eyes narrowed at my nonchalant tone.

“I don’t want you here just so I can be with you as soon as something happens. I want you here because I don’t like watching you leave. Even if I know I’ll see you again tomorrow, tomorrow’s never soon enough when it comes to you.”

“You really want me here? In your space . . . girly-ing up your warehouse?”

He laughed and rolled his eyes. “If it means you’ll be here, you can do whatever you want with the place. And if you want, I’ll talk to your parents or I’ll be there with you when you tell them.”

Cupping the back of his neck, I pulled him down so I could kiss him. “I think I better talk to my parents alone. I’ll never forget how this conversation went last time, so it’s probably best if you’re not within seeing range of my dad.”

“If that’s what you want, but I need to know that you want to be here. I don’t want you staying here just because it’s what I want or asked—”

“Jagger, stop. I want to be here, trust me. I’ll talk to my parents tomorrow, and regardless of what happens, I’ll see you after that, okay?”

“Okay.” He stepped back, and his lopsided smile quickly took over his face. “Have fun at work tonight, and call me if anything happens.”

“I will.”

“And call me if you change your mind about wanting me there when you talk to them.”

“I will!” I said on a laugh, and pushed on his stomach so he would take another step back. “Now go back inside or I’ll think of a reason to call in to work and tell them I’m not coming in, and it’ll be all your fault.”

He raised one dark brow in an obvious challenge, but stepped away and put his hand on the door. “Come back to me, Grey LaRue. Tomorrow is already too far away.”

“I’m calling in,” I breathed, my heart warming with his words.

Before I could say anything more or try to get out of my car, he shut the door and gave me a wicked smile as he backed up toward the warehouse and walked inside.

THE NEXT DAY I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table opposite my dad.

“Can I talk to you guys?”

Mom and Dad both looked up at me—Dad’s eyes immediately narrowed, and Mom looked like she was ready to talk about the weather.

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