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Under the Cowboy's Control

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At the small affirmative nod she gave, Travis continued. "You say you are a United States citizen, and for now, I'm going to believe you."

He turned back to Jim and Juan. "He can't stay here with all the rowdiness that goes on at night and expect to heal. We're going to have to move him to the big house. I'm going to do that now. Juan, you come with me, so you can ease his fears a bit. Jim, bring the liniment and something to wrap those ribs with."

Her eyes flared wide at that.

He moved over to the bunk and looked down at the young woman lying there. "I'll be careful. But we have to get you out of here. Comprehende?"

She closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip and nodded, just once.

He leaned down and carefully put one arm below her knees and the other under her back. She was extremely light, and he doubted she weighed a hundred pounds. He gently moved her against his chest, and carried her out the door and across the compound to the big house. Juan followed with her backpack.

Travis carried her through to one of the two spare bedrooms the house held. He shouldered the door wide, and held her next to the bed. "Juan, fold the blanket and sheet back. I want to get him in and settled so we don't have to keep moving him."

Travis wanted to keep the knowledge of her gender to himself for now.

He stood still and held her as Juan did as he had instructed. He looked into her face and saw her eyes shut against the pain.

He lowered her down gently and stepped away from the bed. The soft little body in his arms was beginning to play havoc with his breathing.

Jim walked into the room and set the supplies down on the bedside table. "What now, boss?"

"How about you go heat up a can of soup for our guest? God knows how long it's been since he had a meal." Jim nodded once and went on his mission.

"Juan, explain to our guest that I'm good with fractures and I'm going to look at his ribs. Tell him I know what I'm doing. Make it clear he has no choice in the matter."

Travis watched the girl the whole time he made the speech to Juan.

She obviously understood English. She grasped the situation completely and was now silently panicking.

He stood back while Juan translated his words and she started arguing back immediately. Her voice was soft, a little raspy. She was obviously upset and was letting Juan know it in no uncertain terms.

He let the volley go on for a while before he had enough. The girl understood English enough that he didn't need Juan's help. In fact, he needed Juan out of the room for what was about to happen.

His words were an order. "Enough. Go make sure the men know not to spread this around. We need to keep this under wraps while I figure out what the real situation is here. I'll send Jim for you if I need you to translate anymore."

Juan nodded his understanding and smiled once at the kid in encouragement and then took off.

The door closed behind Juan and Travis was left alone in the room for the first time with the girl. She lay trembling on the bed. "Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you."

His voice was deep.

He went to the small attached bathroom and wet a washcloth in the sink. His movements were smooth and methodical. He started to walk back to the bed, but stopped and locked the door first. He didn't need any eyes but his on her if this became physical. The less people who knew her sex, the better.

He pulled the single chair away from the small desk and placed it next to her side.

He lowered his big body down and lifted his boots to the small bedside table and crossed them. He held the cloth out to her. "Do you want me to wash your face, or do you want to do it?"

Her small hand flew to her face and she felt the dirt and grime there. She held out her hand and he placed the cloth in it. Hesitantly, she lifted it to her face and slowly began to scrub. She pulled it away and saw the dirt on in, then folded it over and washed again until the cloth came away clean.

When she was finished with the task, she lowered her hands to her sides, still holding the rag. She raised her eyes slowly to his.

The beauty of her face hit him. Arousal pierced his gut as he realized she was even prettier than he had thought.

He narrowed his eyes and questioned her, "What's your name, Angel?"

Chapter Two

He saw her take a sharp breath, and pain etched her features from the sudden strain to her hurt ribs.

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