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Under the Cowboy's Control

Page 15

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Travis looked at the feast in front of him and thought he had died and gone to heaven. The smells coming from the enchiladas, rice and beans were wafting up to his nose and hitting his stomach.

A steady diet of Slim's cooking had left him fed up and wanting more. Slim knew how to cook three things. Stew, chili, and pot roast. And that's all they ate. Stew, chili and pot roast. Every three days, the same damn thing was repeated.

He took the first bite and ambrosia hit his taste buds. He looked up at Selena standing there waiting for hi

s reaction. He couldn't help it. His face broke out into a huge smile, and he shoveled in another bite. Damn, he was almost glad she had given away his cookies. He felt so damn guilty for getting this feast, that he was glad those poor bastards had something of the heaven he was eating.

Selena was satisfied with his reaction and turned away to straighten up the kitchen.

A deep voice intruded her thoughts. "Aren't you going to eat with me?"

Selena flushed and turned to him. He wanted her to eat with him? " Senor?"

Travis scowled at her. "My name is Travis. I've told you that before."

Selena hesitated and touched her stomach. "I'm f-full."

"You already ate?" At her nod, he grunted and took another bite, and then added,

"Tomorrow night, you eat with me."

Selena blushed again, nodded, and turned away to finish cleaning the kitchen.


After Selena had retired to her room for the night, Travis sat down at his computer to work on the ranch's accounts. Her Bible and papers were in a neat pile on the desk. He thought about it for a few seconds, and then hit a couple of strokes to bring up the history on the computer. He refused to feel guilty. Hell, it was his house, his computer.

It didn't take long to figure out what she was up to. She was searching for her grandparents in Texas.

He made a few mental notes, and then turned his attention to the accounts.


The next evening, Selena sat quietly across the table from him and took small bites from the single hamburger patty in front of her. He had instructed her to never make stew, chili, or pot roast, but said anything other than that was fine.

There was a lot of ground beef in the freezer. There were sacks of potatoes. So, tonight, Selena had made hamburgers and French fries. Her mother had always cooked both Mexican and American foods, to please her father. And she had taught Selena how to do the same.

Travis made his way steadily through the plate of food in front of him. How the hell she had managed to make this from what they had on the ranch, he didn't know.

Granted, there were no hamburger buns, but she had used white bread, and it was lightly buttered and toasted a golden brown. The French fries were real potatoes, cut thick in wedges and crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Again, he was a happy man. He looked across at the large plate of chocolate chip cookies ready for him.

Yeah, he was going to keep her.

Although the thought was just a joke in his head, his mind quickly supplied him with a visual of all the meals his future would hold if she stayed. The image of having to start eating Slim's cooking again made him feel nauseated. Maybe it was time he hired a housekeeper. Somebody to cook just for him. And wash his clothes. He hated washing his damn clothes.

The back door slammed. Clinton and Jim stood in the doorway.

"What do ya'll need?" His words were short, impatient.

"We just wanted to let you know that we finished moving the small herd to the east pasture. The fence near the well house was down, but we got it fixed." Jim recited this as his eyes darted back and forth between Travis and Selena.

Clinton just stared at Selena, like a lost puppy dog looking for its owner.

Travis scowled. What the hell kind of lame excuse was that for coming into the house? Shit, that was their job, and they never told him the insignificant minutiae that happened on a daily basis. But, he was in a good mood and decided to humor them.

"Thanks for the update. Good work." As he spoke, he noticed Selena stand and walk to the kitchen counter.

Jim shuffled his feet and Clinton's eyes continued to follow Selena. She turned back to them, a large chocolate cake in her hands. She strolled over to them, her movements relaxed and unconsciously sensual, and she handed the cake over to Jim.

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